Being too clever can backfire 7

Victoria Garcia saw the news on the Internet, and her eyes widened in disbelief. She hadn't been the one to leak the video to the media.

At the time, her intention was for Terry Garcia to see the video, and she wondered what he would think about it. As for exposing it to the media, she had considered it, but ultimately didn't do it. It wasn't out of sympathy for Clara Brown, but rather because she felt this method was too despicable.

Victoria couldn't help but wonder how the video came to light. Was it leaked to the media by Arnold Johnson?

Thinking of this, she took out her phone and couldn't resist calling Arnold.

Arnold was in a meeting. Seeing that it was Victoria's call, he picked up the phone and walked to the side.

"What's wrong?" Arnold asked in a low voice.

Victoria asked directly, "Did you have someone leak Clara Brown's video online?"

"No," Arnold denied, "I wouldn't do anything you didn't ask me to do."