Sky-high wedding costs cannot match growing old together 8

Drinking, singing, and dancing kept the lively engagement party going for several more hours.

In the end, Victoria was so exhausted that she wanted nothing more than to collapse into bed and sleep.

The gossiping corners of the internet also set new record views for this grand engagement celebration.

By the time they returned home, it was already dark outside.

Arnold had quite a bit to drink that day, so they both naturally lay down on the sofa, slightly tipsy.

Before lying down, however, Victoria went to the bathroom to remove her makeup, as the multiple touch-ups throughout the day had made her face feel heavy.

When Victoria returned to the sofa, Arnold's intoxicated gaze was even more charming, causing her heart to flutter with feelings of spring.

"Today, you became my fiancée!" Arnold took her hand and held out his own.

Middle Finger.

Engagement rings, same style for both man and woman.

This feeling was really great!

"From now on, I'm a woman with a fiancé!"