Mandarin Ducks in the Dim Light

When Victoria Garcia's engagement ceremony was about to end, she asked the driver to take Hannah Garcia and Evelyn Garcia home.

Amelia Wilson had her own plans and didn't ask Victoria to arrange a driver for her.

Today, Henry Campbell was rarelu not around, and Amelia was like a child set loose, going wild. Moreover, most of the people attending this kind of party were from big wealthy families. She couldn't remember how many men tried to flirt with her based on her beauty alone.

The one who caught her attention was Second Young Master of the Reed Family, Robert Taylor.

Of course, she was very clear about the relationship between the Reed Family and Harry Collins' mother.


This made it even more challenging for her.

After the two had danced wildly together twice, Robert, hugging Amelia's waist, said, "Can I have your phone number?"

"Give me a reason to do that?" Amelia poked his chest, speaking slowly.

"I like you..." he whispered in her ear, "And the way you act."