Chloe Johnson, the murderer has been found 3.

"But yesterday evening, suddenly a woman came knocking at my door, a prostitute," she said she had entertained Owen Kent, talked about how well he treated her, and from her words, we learned some things about Owen Kent. Through this matter, we traced his connection to your family."

Arnold Johnson watched Chloe Johnson's composed demeanor, and couldn't help but take a second look at her in admiration—she was quite calm.

It seemed Samuel Johnson had invested quite a lot of effort in cultivating her.

"So, finding a connection to our family means I'm the culprit?" Chloe spoke coolly, "Sure, my dad did leave some people behind, but over so many years, a lot have already dispersed. After all, society today isn't the same as it used to be, right?"

"Finding a connection with your family doesn't necessarily mean you did it, but the fact that the person he wanted to kill was Victoria Garcia but ended up involving you, Chloe," Arnold's mood was clearly not good when he mentioned her name.