Chloe Johnson, the murderer has been found 4.

Chloe Johnson felt as if her heart were being sliced open as Arnold Johnson laid another charge upon her.

Suddenly, she burst into loud laughter, and after a good while, she stopped and said to Arnold Johnson, "Since that's the case, why don't you just pin all the blame on me? For instance, Leah Chester framing Victoria Garcia, the car accident Victoria was in, or Victoria being sold to the Middle East Union..."

"All of it, you could say I did it. I'll admit it all, okay?" Looking into Arnold's eyes, she laughed again and said, "Arnold, would that make you happy? As long as you're happy, I'm willing to take the blame."

Arnold Johnson gave her a nonchalant glance and said, "That night, the person who knew Skylar Morgan was at Howard's place, and also knew I wasn't at the villa, was only you."