Team Aqua Plan

Ten thousand feet above Shamouti Island.

An airship was hovering in the skies, hidden in the clouds.

Inside the control room, Lawrence, dressed in his regular blue robe, step by step climbed the stairs to his chair and sat down.

At this time, a small airship that looked somewhat like a Sharpedo was slowly approaching the Flying Palace.

"Master Lawrence, an airship is requesting to board. Should I allow them in?"

A female voice rang through the room.

He glanced at the monitor in front of him and saw an airship waiting outside his ship. When he saw the large flaming bird trapped in a cage above the ship, he couldn't help but stand in excitement.

He shouted, "Let them in!"

"Yes, Master Lawrence."

Slowly, a hatch was opened on the Flying Palace. Then, the Sharpedo airship entered the docking bay. As soon as the airship was parked, a crane immediately grabbed the iron cage.


Dave became anxious. He wanted to go up to stop the crane.

"Don't worry. This airship belongs to our client. I guess he is eager to see our catch."

Matt stopped him.

"Anyway. Everyone did a good job this time except you, Dave."

Instead of meeting Matt's gaze, he shrunk his neck in fear. He was just an elite squad leader in Team Aqua. Facing Matt, one of the three admins, he was actually no different from ordinary Team Aqua's grunts.

"You know what the worst thing you did after you got caught? You let that Nurse Joy escape."

Matt loomed over him. He felt his back covered in a cold sweat.

"I'm sorry, SirSir! I was too careless."

Matt looked at him coldly, "I don't want any apologies. I just want to see the results. You should be thankful that Lawrence manages to stop the League from investigating us."

Matt paused, looked at him for a moment, and continued.

"This is your last chance, Dave. I received info that the hunters had sent some people to Shamouti Island to catch you. Make sure you catch them all."

Hearing that, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, SirSir! I won't let them get away."

Matt nodded in satisfaction and dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

"Good, you can leave now."

After that, he stepped into the Sharpedo airship and returned to Shamouti Island.


Flying Palace airship.

"What a perfect specimen. Even if it's unconscious, the flames on its body are still warm. Moltres truly deserves its name as the legendary bird of fire."

Lawrence stared at unconscious Moltres in the cage obsessively. He slowly stretched his hand toward it. Touching the warm feathers, he thrilled slightly.

Meanwhile, Matt watched from the side quietly. Team Aqua was not interested in other Legendary Pokemon. Their only goal was Kyogre, the creator of the sea.

Lawrence happily took off one of Moltres feathers as a trophy. He then turned to look at Matt.

"My money is not in vain. You have performed very well. I hope you can catch the next legendary birds. Oh, and by the way, you must catch them within ten days."

"Ten days?"

Matt frowned.

"Didn't you say it was supposed to be within a month? So why has it become ten days?"

In response, Lawrence snapped his fingers. A digital screen suddenly appeared in front of them. He then tapped the screen, and a video was played.

It showed the scene of what Dave and Team Aqua did near Kinnow Island.

"I've tried my best to push this matter down, but the higher-ups of the League somehow still got wind of this video."

Matt could accept that answer reluctantly.

"The police are investigating this case now. I also heard that Team Rocket is on the move.

Sure enough. What Matt worried about the most had happened. He didn't care that much about the police. He only feared Team Rocket's actions.

Although Team Aqua was one of the strongest criminal organizations in Hoenn, they were much weaker than Team Rocket, Kanto's No.1 Dark Force. Not to mention they were far away from their home territory.

After Matt left in a hurry, Lawrence returned to his throne. In fact, he didn't care too much whether Team Aqua survived under the joint attack of the League and Team Rocket. He only cared about the task he asked them to do, which was to capture the three legendary birds of Kanto.

"Weiss, scan this, Moltres."

He sat comfortably on his throne, appreciating Moltres' beautiful plumage. He wasn't in a hurry to turn it into an art specimen. His mind wandered, thinking about how to turn it into the most perfect artwork.

"Moltres. Height 2.20 meter. Wingspan 5.80 meter. Temperature 1500 degrees celcius."

The same female voice rang out again.

Weiss was the intelligent system of the Flying Palace. It maintained all the operating procedures of the airship.

After years of planning, he was finally going to obtain his most desired collections.

Among the three legendary birds, Moltres was undoubtedly the easiest to capture.

This was where Team Aqua came to play. They, who owned a large number of Water-type Pokemon, were the most suitable thugs to face them. He also gave them a lot of Rock-type Pokemon to face Moltres.

Indeed, Moltres was very powerful. Despite the losses Team Aqua suffered, it was far from reaching the true power of a legendary Pokemon.


Shamouti Island.

Hisoka was on his way toward the beach. Since he came to the Orange Islands, he rarely had the opportunity to relax.

There had been no news from his drone. It seemed that Team Aqua was still hiding. Although he didn't know why Team Aqua was on Shamouti Island, he was certain they would show themselves soon enough.

'Shamouti Island is going to be lively.'

He mused.

Honk! Honk!

A bus stopped next to the beach, and people got off one after another.

Looking around, the beach was crowded with people. Since the festival was going to be held tomorrow, the number of people coming into Shamouti Island had doubled these days.

He chose a less crowded area and laid the folding on the sand. He then grabbed two Pokeball from his belt and threw them out.

Pop! Pop!

The Pokeball popped open, and Weavile and Milotic appeared in front of him.

"Go have some fun, guys!"

He told them, handing a surfing board to Weavile.

Since Weavile evolved, she hadn't much time to surf.


Smiling, she took the surfing board and ran toward the sea. Milotic also chased after her happily.

"I almost forgot about her."

He slapped his head and then grabbed another Pokeball.


Buneary popped out of her Pokeball. She let out a cry and jumped into his arms. She looked at him crossly as if she was complaining about why he didn't let her out for so long.

Although Pokeball had a wide space to stay in, it wasn't as fun as being outside.

He rubbed her head, chuckling.

"Okay. It's my fault. I'm sorry."


Buneary swung her head to the side, ignoring him.

He couldn't help but laugh at her reply. He then saw a few stalls not far from him, selling all kinds of food and drinks. Thinking of an idea, he headed toward the stalls.

"Is it good?"

Hisoka and Buneary sat on the beach, enjoying the view while eating ice creams.

She merely nodded in reply. Too engrossed in eating her ice cream.

Unbeknownst to them, they were being secretly watched by someone.

"Is this the person you met before?"

Matt was sitting in his room in the airship. He placed a stack of photos on the table.

"Yes. It is him."

Dave gritted his teeth as he recalled what happened last time.

"Do you have any specific information about him?"

He asked.

Dave nodded, "His information is not difficult to find. There is some related information about him in the League."

That managed to catch his interest. No ordinary trainer would catch the League's attention.

"Tell me."

He took one of the photos and looked at it closely. It was a photo of Weavile surfing in the sea.

'This Pokemon should be Weavile, the new evolution of Sneasel released by a Pokemon lab in Sinnoh a few weeks ago.'

He thought.

Since the news had just been released, there were not many trainers with Weavile. Most of the trainers who owned a Weavile were in Sinnoh. It was quite rare to see a Weavile in Hoenn too.

"Hisoka, a silver-rank hunter. Male. 18 years old. Born in Viridian City, Kanto. He is currently serving as the gym leader of Dark City. He is participating in the hunter exam this time."

Dave told the information collected by his men briefly.

"This guy is at least a peak Elite Trainer."

He pointed out.

"Sir? Are you sure? I don't think he's that strong."


As soon as he said that, Dave immediately shut his mouth.

"I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, I will send some help to you. You are not strong enough to defeat him alone."

Dave hesitated slightly, but in the end, he nodded silently. He didn't dare to go against Matt's arrangement.

In fact, Matt really wanted to solve Hisoka himself. Unfortunately, he had no time to do that. He was busy trying to catch the legendary birds. He could only entrust this job to Dave.

"I will assign Sigana and her team to assist you. You have three days to finish him."

He stood up and strode toward the door.

Dave looked excited at that.

"I won't let you down, Sir! I will make sure he won't get away this time."

After Matt left the room, Dave let out a grin. He was surprised that Matt was willing to let Sigana help him.

Sigana was Matt's right hand. She was a peak Elite Trainer. Her main Pokemon was the signature Pokemon from Hoenn, a Salamance.

With her help, he was confident that Hisoka wouldn't be able to escape this time.

"Haha! Enjoy your last days, Hisoka! That's what you deserve for going against Team Aqua."

Humming, he stood up and left the room with a slight spring in his steps.