Legend Festival

Shamouti Island.

The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky.

Hisoka and his Pokemon returned to the shore. After wiping himself with a towel, he grabbed Buneary, who wanted to sneak away, and wrapped her with the towel under her loud protest.

The sky was getting dark by the time they had finished swimming. While he was thinking about what to eat for dinner, his phone suddenly beeped.


At first, he didn't pay much attention to his phone. He thought that maybe Doran and the others might have some found clues, so he ignored it.

He sat on the folding chair leisurely, watching the sunset on the distant horizon.

He took out his phone from his pocket and turned it on. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. Unexpectedly, the call turned out to be from someone else. It was Pheromosa who called him just now.

He immediately called his Pokemon back and packed up his stuff. After he took them back into their Pokeball, he left the beach.

While he was walking, he kept his eyes on the phone. There were two red dots flashing on the screen at this time. The closest red dot was located near his hotel, where Gardevoir was staying currently. She was keeping an eye on the drone in his room.

While the second red dot was located somewhere on Shamouti Island. This red dot belonged to Pheromosa. He had given a phone to Pheromosa before. He told her that she could call him if she needed help.

"What is she doing here?"

He murmured under his breath. Tangelo Island was too far away from Shamouti Island. It took two days to travel here, even on a ship.

He then decided to give her a call.

Click! The call was connected.

"Pheromosa? Are you there?"

"Why didn't you answer me just now?"

A few moments later, a reply came from the other side. It was Pheromosa's voice.

Hearing that, he secretly let out a sigh of relief. He was worried that she had been caught.

"Sorry. I didn't notice it just now."

He replied.

The other side paused for a moment and continued.

"Can I meet you right now?"

He raised an eyebrow at that. He was curious why Pheromosa wanted to see him.

"Sure. No problem. I'm staying at the hotel near the dock. My room is on the third floor."

"I'll see you later at night."

She replied before she ended the phone call.

Shortly after that, he was finally back at his hotel.


Just as he was about to enter his room, someone called out his name. Turning his head, he saw Doran walking toward him with a smile.

"Have you found anything about Team Aqua?"

Doran asked.

He shook his head, "Not yet."

Hearing his reply, Doran slumped his shoulders, sighing.

"I already ran around the island multiple times, but I still haven't found them yet. Those guys from Team Aqua sure know how to hide."

Doran clenched his fists in frustration.

He smiled, "Don't worry. I'm sure we will find them soon enough. As long as they are still on this island, they will show themselves sooner or later. We just need to stay patient until that."

They chatted together for a few minutes. After that, they said goodbye to each other before he entered his room.



Hisoka put his hand behind his head, lying down on his bed, and closed his eyes. Except for Rhyperior, his other Pokemon sat around the room, doing their own things.

Knock! Knock!

Suddenly, there was a constant knocking sound from the window.

He immediately for up from the bed and rushed toward the window without saying a word.

Gardevoir put down the book she was reading and teleported next to Hisoka. His other Pokemon also stood up.

Pushing the window open, the cold night wind blew across his face, causing him to shiver slightly.


He looked left and right but did not see anyone.

"Hello there."

A familiar voice came from above his head.

He hurriedly raised his head and saw Pheromosa standing on the wall, looking at him with a smile.


In Hisoka's room.

"Someone discovered you?"

Hisoka and Pheromosa sat across each other surrounded by his Pokemon.

She looked as dashing as he recalled the day he met her. Her long white hair hugged her body as her eyes wandered around the room before she set her gaze on him.

After listening to Pheromosa's story, he became slightly anxious. This was bad news. If her trace was exposed, many people would definitely be looking for her.

With the development of technology, more and more Pokemon were being gradually discovered by humans. Pheromosa as a Pokemon that had never been seen before would undoubtedly attract the League's attention.

Thankfully, there was still a long time before the research on another dimension started. He didn't think someone would find her true origin any time soon. If it wasn't for his past life memory, even he wouldn't believe that she was a creature from another world.

"How did you come to Shamouti Island?"

He asked in a puzzled manner. He looked at her hair. At first he thought, they were wings. Later, he found out that it was her hair. So she couldn't have fly all the way to here.

Pheromosa looked at Weavile for a while and said.

"I ran."


He looked at her in shock.

"Did you just say you ran all the way here? Across the sea?"

She nodded in reply, looking at him in confusion.

Come to think of it, it wasn't impossible for he to do so with her powerful strength. Weavile could also ran on water for a short amount of time.

"Do you still have the Mental Herb you gave me last time? I searched in many places but couldn't find it."

Pheromosa asked.

"Can you give some to me?"

Her light blue eyes stared at him.

"Sorry. I don't have them anymore."

She had her eyes cast down at his reply.

Rare herbs like Mental Herb had always been quite hard to find. It depended on one's luck. Usually, they were only found in large cities. Also, the tropical climate of the Orange Islands wasn't suitable for them to grow here.

"But I still have some back home. I can ask someone to deliver them here, if you want."

She nodded her repeatedly while a smile beamed on her face. It seemed she was happy to hear that.

The next morning.

The loud noise from the crowd seeped into his room as he stirred from his sleep. He opened his bleary eyes and looked at the time on his phone.

It was half past seven. He stayed up late yesterday to chat with Pheromosa.

When he was about to get up, he suddenly noticed that Buneary was lying down on his chest still asleep. Gently, he lifted her and put her down next time.

After he stood up, he roused his other Pokemon from their sleep.

He then noticed that the window was opened and Pheromosa was sitting on the window sill, looking at the lively crowd outside curiously.

He recalled that her home, Ultra Space, was far different from the Pokemon world. It seemed she was still getting used to her new home.

Ultra Space was an interdimendional spatial realm filled with nothing but crystaline meteoroids. It was a truly bleak and grey world.

Knock! Knock!

Suddenly, there was loud knocking sounds on the door, followed by Doran's voice.

"Hisoka! Are you inside?"

Instead of opening the door, he turned toward Pheromosa.

"You should hide first."

Pheromosa nodded and went to hide in the bathroom.

He sighed in relief. For the time being, he didn't want others to know about the existence of Pheromosa. After that, he collected all of his Pokemon into their Pokeball.


"Hang on a second. I'm putting on my clothes."

When he opened the door, he saw Doran, Will and Shelly waiting outside his room.

"You're late, Hisoka. We are supposed to be at the shrine by now."

"Sorry. I stayed up late yesterday. Let's go have breakfast first. My treat."

He said embarrassedly.

The Legend Festival was held today. Many ships were coming into Shamouti Island. The crowd was dressed in traditional attire as they strolled around the bazaar that had been set up in the town square.

At eleven o'clock, the crowd slowly walked toward the large tiki hut in the middle of the town, where a banquet was set up for the festival celebration. Later, the festival maiden would play a song on her ocarina before the festival came to an end.

The large tiki hut had been on Shamouti Island for hundreds of years now. This would be the place where the community elder preside the festival.