Blow Up The Ship!

A ship was sailing across the sea as the skull flag fluttered in the wind. The ship went on full throttle as it pursued the fleeing speedboat. Everyone on board was holding on to the railings as the ship rocked up and down against the rough waves.

"Boss! We just received a message from Captain Crook!"

A man rushed up to Laszlo, who was standing at the bow of the ship with a pair of binoculars in his hand.

"What did the Captain says? Tell me."

Laszlo said with a frown on his face. It seemed someone on the ship had leaked the news to Captain Crook.

"Captain Crook told us to hold them down. They are on their way."

Said the man.

"Inform Captain Crook that we will catch up with them soon. We are going to attack them as soon as we get close."

After replying, he dismissed the man with a wave.

"They stopped!"

Suddenly, a shout rang out.

When he looked up, he saw one of his men waving at him with an excited look on his face.

"Boss! The boat! It stopped!"

"Really? Let me see."

He quickly put the pair of binoculars on his eyes. Further ahead, he could see the boat that they were chasing stopped just a short distance away from a small island. He then saw everyone on the boat jump into the sea one by one before they all swam as fast as they could toward the shore.

"Haha! Come on, boys! Full speed ahead. I think their boat has run out of gas. Those two Pokemon are finally mine!"

Laszlo's menacing laughter was heard all over the ship.

At this time, Hisoka and the others brought their tired bodies out of the water and sat down under a tree.

"Hisoka, are we going to hide on this island? But this island is too small. I don't think we will be able to hide from them."

Said Ken, panting.

The others also turned to Hisoka with an anxious look. A few of them were even considering whether to surrender to the Stinger Pirates or not.

After wiping himself dry with a towel, Hisoka stood up and grabbed a Pokeball from his belt.

"Relax. This should be over. I'm going to take out the big gun."

He said to the others while tossing the Pokeball into the air.

As soon as the Pokeball popped open, Rhyperior came out with a loud roar that scared the hell out of everyone.

Soon, everyone began to calm down. They looked up at Rhyprior's majestic figure in awe. Then and there, they somehow knew they would be just fine.

"Rhyperior! Blow up that ship with Rock Wrecker!"

He said while pointing at the ship that was approaching them.

Rhyperior roared in reply and took a couple of steps forward. He then raised both of his hands and aimed them at the ship.

With a loud bang, he launched a massive rock into the sky. The blazing rock flew across and struck the unsuspecting ship.


An explosion occurred as the ship snapped in half. Many people on board were thrown off the ship by the strong blast.

Laszlo, who passed out for a moment, suddenly woke up after the water hit his face. He opened his eyes and looked around in a daze. There was chaos, smoke, and destruction everywhere, along with cries for help.

The last thing he remembered seeing was a massive rock hitting their ship. The next thing he knew, he was already in the water with a bleeding head and a ship that was split in half.

"Tentacruel! Where are you! Come and save me!"

He called out while trying to swim away from the ship that was starting to sink. If he stayed for too long, he would be dragged along with the ship. It was a really bad situation to be in right now.

Suddenly, another massive rock struck with a mighty splash that caused the water to surge high into the sky. As the water fell down, he was pulled under the water by the powerful current. Slowly, he began to lose consciousness.


A small island off the coast of Tarroco Island.

"Is the news true?"

In a lavishly decorated office room, Captain Crook sat on his chair while listening to the report by his men.

"It is true, Captain. We have secretly installed some bugs inside the cages that hold those Lapras. We also bribed some of her men, and they all confirmed it."

He put his hand on the table and leaned forward slightly. Interest gleamed in his eyes.

"So you're saying that Hunter J has a rare Pokemon egg on her hands right now? A semi-legendary at that?"

"That's right, it's the egg of the Garchomp species, a powerful Dragon/Ground-type Pokemon. From what we found, she is going to sell it to a man from a noble family in Blackthorn City in Johto."

The man nodded.

'If it is a noble family from Blackthorn City, that would be the Dragon Tamer clan, wouldn't it?'

A thought popped up in his mind.

'This is no easy matter. Dragon Tamer clan has a large influence in the League. Provoking them is tantamount to a death sentence. Still, it is a semi-legendary Pokemon, though. Should I risk it or not?'

He was deeply absorbed in his thought.

"Captain Crook!"

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open, and a thin man with an eyepatch strode in.

"Redd, when did you come back? Did you manage to catch those two Pokemon?"

He raised his head to the thin man with a surprised look on his face.

"You guys leave first."

Seeing the solemn expression on Redd's face, he knew that he must have something important to tell him. He told the others to leave the room with a wave of his hand.

"Go ahead."

He motioned Redd to start as he leaned back in his chair.

"We have lost contact with Laszlo's ship. The ship's tracking location also has disappeared."

Said Redd in a serious tone.

"I think the ship has been destroyed. It must be those guys from the Blue Ocean gang. Should we send someone to check if there are any survivors there, Captain?"

Redd asked.

Based on the information given by Laszlo, the people they were pursuing only had a speedboat. Laszlo's ship was outfitted with cannons. It was impossible for a small-scale gang like Blue Ocean could have the resource to equip their members with cannons, much less a ship.

With the strength of Laszlo's ship, the Blue Ocean gang would already sink to the bottom of the ocean. This meant that the problem must come from those two rare Pokemon. It seemed they had underestimated them. Those two were clearly powerful opponents.