Hunter J

Somewhere on the sea near Tarroco Island.

Seeing Hisoka and the others were fine, Laszlo raised an eyebrow in surprise. He didn't expect they managed to stop Tentacruel's combined attack.

He then noticed two unknown Pokemon standing beside Hisoka. He picked up some dangerous vibes from those two.

"What a strong aura. Do you guys recognize those Pokemon?"

He asked his men while pointing at the Pokemon that belonged to Hisoka.

"The one with green hair is called Gardevoir, while the other Pokemon is called Milotic. Both of them are rare Pokemon in Hoenn."

A man hurriedly came up to explain.

After listening to the man's explanation, he let out a roar of laughter.

"Haha! We are going to get a huge windfall, boys!"

He stared at the two Pokemon with eyes full of greed.

"Tentacruel! Tell the others to surround them. We are going to catch those two Pokemon."

He said to his Tentacruel.

Under Laszlo's order, the other Tentacruel slowly approached the boat in a circle.

At this time, Hisoka was thinking of a plan to break out of this predicament. Although they were outnumbered, he was more worried about the cannon on the opposite side. Those things were dangerous.

"Hisoka! There are too many of them! What should we do?"

Ken, feeling hopeless with the current situation, could only turn to Hisoka for help. He prayed to God that Hisoka had a way out.

"Ken! We are going back to the island. Drive as fast as you can. I will try my best to protect the boat."

Hisoka told Ken with a serious face.

"But why?"

Ken was confused by that.

"Why don't we head to Tarroco Island? It is much closer."

He sighed, "Do you see that cannons? There's no way we will be to outrun that ship. We can only go back. At least, their ship won't be able to pass those reefs."

"Okay. I'll follow your lead."

Ken agreed with a nod.

After that, he turned to the others and said.

"Take out your Pokemon! We are going to try to break through."


Everyone on the boat shouted confidently.

As the boat started moving in the opposite direction, Laszlo saw through their plan.

"Stop them! They are going to escape!"

Soon, the Tentacruel began to charge at the boat in large numbers.

"Make sure they don't get close to the boat! And be careful of their poison!"

Hisoka reminded loudly before ordering his Gardevoir to unleash her Psychic blast on the Tentacruel.

Even though Hisoka and the others tried their best to fend off the Tentacruel, there were too many of them. As the fight went on, he knew this could not go on any longer.

"Milotic! I need your help! Have you mastered that move?"

He asked Milotic, who had just finished knocking out a Tentacruel with a Dragon Tail.


She cried out with a nod.

"Great! Now use Blizzard on them!"

On his cue, she released a cold rush of wind at the remaining Tentacruel. In just a few seconds, nearly one-third of them were frozen solid.

"Hold on tight. We are going to speed up."

Ken's eyes lit up. He then accelerated the boat out of the encirclement.

"Boss, they managed to escape. Should we pursue them?"

A man said to Laszlo hesitantly.

"Chase them! Don't let them leave!"

Said Laszlo as he watched the boat speeding away from them.

After the man left, Laszlo banged his hand against the wall.

"Damn it!"

He cursed loudly in frustration. He wanted to take advantage of this time to capture those two rare Pokemon. If he dragged it for too long, this would soon reach their leader's ears.

With that guy's character, he would definitely intervene in this situation.


A small island off the coast of Tarroco Island.

A huge ship was docked at the cove. Dozens of people in sailor's outfits were hauling off hundreds of crates to the shore.

Right next to the ship was a giant Tentacruel. It was dozing off, floating gently in the water.

"How is it, Hunter J? Isn't it amazing?"

On the beach, a short and fat man was pointing at the giant Tentacruel with a proud expression.

A slim woman stood next to him. She had short, greyish-blue hair and was wearing a long, dark purple coat with red boots.

"Not bad."

Said the woman with a nod of satisfaction.

"I should be able to sell it in Sinnoh for a good price. How about it, Captain Crook? Are you willing to sell it?"

"You must be joking, Hunter J. It is my most precious Pokemon. Without it, I wouldn't be here today."

Hearing that, the short man refused without hesitation.

"It's a pity then. What a stunning Pokemon. If Captain Crook has any change of mind someday, be sure to give me a call first. I will give you a fair price."

Said the woman with a disappointed look on her face.

If someone else had said that, he would have sworn that he would feed that person to the sharks. The giant Tentacruel was his longtime partner. It was the reason Stinger Pirates could become one of the strongest pirate crews on Tarroco Island.

However, the woman next to him was one of the most famous Pokemon poachers in the world. After long years of poaching Pokemon, the woman, Hunter J, had amassed a wealth of contacts. For that reason, he had to maintain a certain respectful attitude toward her.

"So, Captain Crook. Where are the Lapras that you talked about earlier? May I inspect them?"

Hunter J asked with an eager look.

The price of Lapras in Sinnoh's black market had been soaring high these days. After hearing that Captain Crook had captured a large number of Lapras, she rushed here as soon as she could. She wanted to buy those Lapras and sell them in Sinnoh for a hefty profit.

"Sure. Let me show them to you."

Just as they were about to leave, a man suddenly came up to them.

"Captain! Someone just sent an important message to us."

"Huh? Right now? Hold on."

After hearing what the man said, he then turned to Hunter J.

"I'm sorry, Hunter J. I have something important to attend to. My right-hand man will lead you to those Lapras."

He said with an apologetic expression.

"No problem."

Hunter J replied.

After Hunter J walked away, he then turned to the man.

"What did the message says?"

"Laszlo met someone with a few rare Pokemon. This one is Gardevoir, while the other one is called Milotic. From what I found, these are all rare Pokemon in Hoenn."

The man handed him a couple of photos.

"Send a couple of people to help Laszlo. Make sure to bring those two Pokemon back."

He ordered.

"Yes, Captain!"