179: Jimmy Lost

Pokemon Academy Infirmary, Komoda City.

"There you go! All recovered and ready for anything!"

Nurse Joy handed Hisoka all his Pokeballs after healing them with the Healing Machine.

"Thanks, Nurse Joy."

He said, bowing slightly.

"No problem! Have a nice day."

She waved him off as he left the infirmary. Right now, it was afternoon, and the sun was shining brightly in the blue skies.

'Such a nice day!'

Thinking of that, he headed to the nearby clearing in the park to relax since there was still about an hour before the next match started.

At this time, many students from the academy were playing around with the wild yet friendly and docile Pokemon in the park. The students noticed Hisoka as they took glances and whispered to each other while pointing at him.

They seemed a bit hesitant about something, that was until a small kid with snot leaking out from his nose came up to him to ask for an autograph.

He blinked a few times at the kid - he didn't realise he had a fan - before he finally nodded.

"Sure, kid."

He said, grabbing a pen from his pocket and the paper from the kid.

"Thank you!"

Said the kid as he handed the autograph back to the kid with a gracious smile before walking away merrily.

Then, the others also followed suit as the noisy, giggling group of children crowded around him, asking for autographs.

A few minutes later, he wiped the sweat off his head, watching the kids walking away in satisfaction.

"Being a celebrity is very tiring."

He murmured to himself before shaking his head. He then strolled in the clearing until he ended up at a spot where there weren't many people around and released all of his Pokemon to let them stretch, including the two big guys in the team, Rhyperior and Onix.

There was a commotion when these two giants appeared, but thankfully it wasn't too loud; the few nearby kids were a little surprised at first at the sight of Rhyperior and Onix, but they soon went on to do their own things.

Watching his Pokemon messing around with each other, he told them don't go too overboard as they still had a match later at night and went to sit down under a tree.

He placed his bag in front of him and took out a few things: a berry blender, a few bottles of flavour enhancers and lots of berries. He was starting to run low on his Pokeblock supply, so he thought now was a good time to fill it back up.

While Hisoka was busy mixing the Pokeblock, a man with bright purple hair came into the clearing in the park. He was looking around as if he was searching for something or someone. Then, his eyes fell on Hisoka's figure in the distance.

He seemed unsure about what he was about to do before he finally summoned his courage and strode across the clearing.

"Uh, hello. Am I interrupting?"

Hisoka raised his head and saw Brad standing a few steps away with an embarrassed expression.

"No, what's up?"

He placed his work aside and stood up.

"Uh, I want to apologise for accusing you of cheating last time."

Brad spoke with reddened cheeks and then looked away as if he was ashamed to say that.

"Okay, I accept your apology."

He nodded and went back to his work.

"Is there anything else?"

He asked after seeing Brad still standing there, fidgeting.


Brad replied and quickly scurried away.

He watched Brad go out of sight, then continued to make Pokeblocks. He chose not to care about this matter anymore because he had already won. That's what matters.

About an hour later, Hisoka was sitting in the stands, watching the ongoing match between Jimmy and a trainer from the Orange Islands called Drake, who was also the future champion of the Orange League.

'So, that is the rumoured Drake, huh?'

He rubbed his chin, deep in thought.

Though Drake had not become the champion yet, he was as strong as the rumours made him out to be. Even right now, he already had a reputation for being the strongest trainer in Orange Islands.

"Hey, you! Your name is Hisoka, right? Can you take out Ralts?"

Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name. He snapped out of his thought and turned to see Giselle standing next to him with her hands on her hips.


He asked.

"I want to see it."

She answered, fuming. At the same time, she was annoyed at her father for making her agree with this. That Ralts was hers. Why should she let this guy take care of him in the first place?

Sighing, Hisoka could only follow her wish as he grabbed the Pokeball that she gave him yesterday and let Ralts out.


Ralts appeared looking confused - because he had just let him out to play with his other Pokemon - but when he saw Giselle next to Hisoka, he quickly hid away from her.

"Ralts! I brought something for you. I think you will like them, trust me."

Like magic, Giselle quickly took a box out of nowhere and opened it up. Inside the box, there were all kinds of snacks with many different flavours.

Ralts, who was sitting next to Hisoka, peeked out his head and watched the smiling Giselle warily. Yet his eyes couldn't help but glance at the contents inside the box.

"How about I taste it first."

Hisoka said with a gulp.

"Yes, but you can only take one."

Giselle moved the box closer to Hisoka reluctantly.

Hisoka picked out a blueberry muffin and took a small bite. His eyes lit up as he ate the rest of the muffin in two bites.

"It's delicious. Can I try another one?"

Just as he was about to pick another one, he felt something pulling his hand back. When he looked down, he saw Ralts pulling the cuff of his shirt.


Ralt's eyes were staring at the box with drool leaking out of his mouth without even him knowing it.

Giselle smiled at that and handed the box to him.


The small guy held a cake and ate it happily.

While Ralts was enjoying his snacks, Hisoka turned to Giselle, who was watching Ralts eating.

"Miss Giselle, where did you buy these? They are very delicious."

He asked.

"You can't buy these things anywhere. I made these by myself."

Giselle replied, raising her head proudly.

"Really? I didn't know a rich girl like you could cook."

He said, a little surprised.

"I'm not that kind of useless rich girl."

She said with a snort before turning to watch the match.

Speaking of the match, the current situation did not look so good for Jimmy. His Thyphlosion was limping on one leg while his opponent's Dragonite was still safe and sound, except for a few light scratches and burn marks.

Although Jimmy was a genius, he was still lacking a lot of experience. His opponent, Drake, was a seasoned trainer, even having the strength to go toe to toe with an Elite Four. Not to mention, he was also considered a genius at some point.

Sure enough, as Jimmy's Thyphlosion was brought down by Dragonite's Dragon Tail, the referee quickly announced Drake had won the battle.