180: Jimmy's Departure, Finals

Pokemon Academy, Komoda City.

"Are you leaving?"

Hisoka asked Jimmy, who was hoisting his bag.

Jimmy gave him an apologetic smile.


Jimmy said.

"My friends are waiting for me in Cerulean City. If I don't catch up with them in a day, they'll leave without me. Sorry, but I can't cheer for you in the finals."

Though they had only known each other for a short time, he was sad to see him go.

"Goodbye, my friend. Have a safe journey."

His hand was out as he spoke.

"Until we meet again, Hisoka. I wish you the best of luck in the finals!"

Said Jimmy as he shook his hand.

The passage of time did not stop upon Jimmy's departure and before long, it was time for the final match. Around eight o'clock in the evening, staff members and students from the academy began to file into the stadium.

Calmly standing within the ring, Hisoka was observing everything that was going on around him. On the opposite side stood Drake, a tall and muscular man with a red, sleeveless jacket with a Pokeball necklace around his neck.

For a brief moment, their eyes crossed paths before they acknowledged each other with a curt nod. Both parties remained silent throughout the interaction.

After everyone had taken their seats, the technician checked for any remaining issues and signalled to the referee that everything was in working order.

The referee gave a nod and then walked up into the ring before motioning everyone to be quiet.

"The final match will begin in a moment. You are only allowed to use three Pokemon in this match and the battle comes to an end when one of you has no more Pokemon left to fight with."

As the referee went over the rules, the crowd waited in anticipation. Who would emerge victorious from the competition and assume the position of gym leader for Komodo City?

"Trainers! Are you both ready?"

The referee looked at his watch for a while before turning his attention to the ring and waving his flags high in the air. The arena was now a plain rocky environment with a few rivers flowing through it.

Drake and Hisoka both nodded their heads in agreement.

"You may begin."

Both competitors tossed their Pokeballs into the ring without hesitation as soon as the referee blew the whistle to start the battle.

Two Pokemon sprang up in the arena at once. Like usual, Hisoka started off with Weavile, while Drake had a Venusaur out.


Weavile flashed her fangs in a malicious grin. She brought up her right hand, exposing her long, needlelike claws and snarled. Clearly, she was trying to provoke her opponent.


Venusaur responded with a low growl of its own.

"Weavile. Start with an Ice Punch!"

Hisoka, seeing no point in waiting as time ticked away, took the lead in the attack.


When Weavile heard her master's command, she immediately leaned and shot forward as fast as an arrow.

"So fast!"

Drake whispered in shock.

'Not good, I can't let it get close to Venusaur. Venusaur can't capture her at close quarters; she's too fast.'

Drake quickly came up with a plan and instructed Venusaur to use Poison Powder.

Venusaur shook the flower on its back and dispersing a sparkling purple powder. Immediately, the Poison Powder spread toward the rushing Weavile.

"Get out of there, Weavile!"

Hisoka yelled in a hurry.

Weavile quickly rolled away to avoid being caught up in the Poison Powder.

Hisoka let out a relieved sigh upon realising that Weavile had managed to escape from the poisonous cloud. She managed to react in time, thank goodness.

"Well, I guess it's my turn now."

Drake smirked. He held up a finger and pointed at Weavile.

"Seed Bomb, Venusaur!"

Venusaur shot out several seeds that resulted in many small explosions that Weavile had a hard time dodging.

"Now, use Take Down!"

In a rumbling gallop, Venusaur rushed ahead.

"Jump! Weavile!"

Hisoka called and Weavile listened to his command. Unfortunately, she plunged straight into the Poison Powder that had not dispersed yet.

"Take down again, Venusaur!"

Drake called out once he saw that his opponent's Pokemon had been poisoned.

This time Venusaur crashed straight into Weavile. Fortunately, her swift Counter helped mitigate some of the damage.

Weavile took advantage of that to catch her breath. She grimaced as she felt the poison's effects taking hold of her.

Having taken a blow to the head, Venusaur shook its head. The Counter barely did any damage thanks to its thick skin.

"Leaf Storm, Venusaur!"

Drake ordered.

"Weavile, be careful! Use Protect!"

When Hisoka heard Drake's command, he immediately warned his Pokemon.

Weavile, who was being attacked by a whirlwind of falling leaves, responded by erecting a blue shield. The shield took a direct hit from the Leaf Storm and seemed about to give way.

Seeing this, Weavile decided to ditch the shield and ran away, but not before firing an Icicle Shard at Venusaur.

"Ice Beam, Weavile!"

Hisoka, who was familiar with Weavile's habits, gave her the next instruction.

Weavile appeared in the sky with a bright blue ball forming in her mouth. Once the ball was big enough, she fired it directly at Venusaur. In a single swift motion, the Ice Beam travelled across the arena, freezing Venusaur's forelegs in place.

"Great! Now, use Blizzard!"

Hisoka's eyes lit up at the sight of the immobilised Venusaur.

"Damn! Block it with Petal Blizzard, Venusaur!"

Drake issued an ear-splitting order.

As Weavile summoned forth a heavy snowstorm from the sky, numerous pink petals began to circle around Venusaur's body. With a yell, Weavile unleashed a devastating Blizzard at Venusaur.

The Petal Blizzard that had been protecting Venusaur became ineffective when the wind picked up.

In a matter of moments, the whole stadium was blanketed in snow as a shaky Weavile sagged to the ground. Venusaur was frozen solid on the opposite side. A tiny crack in the ice sent Venusaur crashing to the ground.

"Return! Venusaur!"

Drake said as he saw Venusaur get drawn into the Pokeball.

He tucked away the Pokeball and reached for another.

"Let's do this pal."

Before tossing it, he gave the Pokeball a quick kiss.

In a blinding flash, a deafening roar reverberated across the arena. Then a strong wind blew as a dragon-like creature with orange skin and tiny wings swooped down into the ring.

"He's releasing Dragonite already?"

Hisoka wondered in disbelief.