The boy was forced to test out the magic training chamber. At the age of 8 years old he was a master of half of the magic training. At the age of 16 years old he was a master of it all and went through the magic version of the training the other two went through. At the age of 30 years old he was at the level of an entire nation's might. His name was Max. The three of them were unaware of each other's existence. They were sent out on secret missions to take down threats to America any organization that could one day threaten America was to be taken down any research that could benefit America was to be retrieved any nation that could threaten America was to be dealt with and their plans research weaknesses everything was to be brought back to America they were sent individually without any aid and on different missions at different locations. 3 foes would be taken down at a time America lost nothing they did not need to waste any resources instead they only gained and benefited from things. However after the government was done with the three they assigned them to kill each other. The fight was bloody as the warrior was basically an unstoppable fighter but lacked durability. The spiritual master was constantly improving their body making it stronger and greater through spirit energy well also attacking her enemies internally spiritually. The magic user was weak naturally however by using magic to protect themselves and make them stronger they could go toe to toe with his enemies however he was constantly using this as well as using magic energy to create magic weapons to combat the warrior magic shields to protect against Jade and magic to attack he was showing how versatile magic was.