However in the end they were all exhausted and unable to defend themselves. At that time the government opened fire on the three individuals. They were too weak to fight back and unable to do anything to protect themselves as a result all three of them were killed. They were reincarnated in another world. Their abilities from their past life on Earth was naturally gifted to this new life as a result they started out as insanely powerful. They were siblings. Max studied magic and trained himself to become greater in magic while Jade trained herself spiritually to become even greater while Jackson trained his fighting abilities to become an even greater warrior and fighter. On Earth 16 years later a baby boy was born and was taken from his family by the government. The boy was put inside of the training chamber for survival. The cold temperature was insanely freezing. Absolute zero had nothing on the cold temperature. The temperature was so low that it would have effortlessly frozen a star for a thousand years. The government had the equipment left behind by the genius to survive. The heat training was a thousand times hotter than a star with the equipment left behind by the genius the government were able to withstand this heat. Hurricanes a thousand times more powerful than a star were also there as well as lightning storm of equivalent level radiation zones as dangerous as the other things. Darkness as extreme as the other places sensory restrictions that take away one's ability to use one of the five senses designed so that they could take away every last one of the 5 senses one at a time or more than 1 at a time.