The training chamber would be used to disrupt one's magic flows spirt flows and the rest everything was pushed to impossible to survive degrees unless of course one was protected by the gear left behind by the genius. The training chamber would push one beyond the limits of stamina exhaustion endurance speed strength would do the same mentally emotionally would forcefully train their skeletons as well the bones the flesh muscles they would tear the individual to shreds with physical attacks with blade attacks blunt weapons ranged weapons nerve gas explosions elementals magic attacks spirit attacks every thing they would infect them with sickness colds cancers everything fatal they would attack the nervous system the digestive system the brain the sleep in dreams the training would continue in the nightmares it was far more extreme as well as happening in real life it would also trap them in hallucinations that would torture the indivual with further training leaving no escape poisons were injected into them they would be paraliyzed they would be beaten by their own shadows and mental state they would be forced to swim out of all temepetures to evade the lightning eletrocuateing the whole ocean they would be drowned and revived through an electric pulse restarting the heart and drowned again and restarting of the heart faced in lava they would be assaulted by loud noises that would be lethal everything was lethal they would be attacked by savage animals they would be impaled and lose limbs they would be starved they would be kept dehadraited and undergo further degrees of torture that was survival training. The healing chamber was used to keep the boy alive when he was on the verge of death; it would effortlessly fully heal him for more survival training.