The boy adapted to survival training at the age of 6 years old. However this was at the weakest level for the pathetic the other levels were harsher the second level was a thousand times that of the first the third was a thousand times that of the second each level was a thousand times worse than the one below it and there was a billion levels at the level of 500 thousand not even the gear left behind to protect against the environment and survival training chamber could protect people due to being overwhelmed and useless. However the healing chamber was good for even the highest level. The boy named John was trapped inside the survival training chamber and healing chamber that was the entire world to him. At the age of 30 John reached level one million of the survival training chamber. The heat was leaking out and affecting the outside world, turning the temperature up by a few degrees. The effects of the survival training chamber slightly impacted the outside world. At the age of 90 years old John was 30 levels below the highest level. The outside was being devastated by the effects of the survival training chamber level 10 thousand hurricanes earthquakes natural disasters and everything else however the special building made by the genius contained this all safely with a barrier between the survival training chamber and the outside in total there was 500 thousand of these barriers and the walls and building was able to withstand 600 times that of all the barriers combined. The healing chamber kept John going even through elderly age and his frail elderly body. At the age of 120 John was at the second highest level; the outside area was safe thanks to the barriers. Then John was on the highest level.