Jackson had successfully managed to conquer the dungeon at the same time as John died. Jackson began to live inside the dungeon making it his own allowing him to continue to improve his energy control and abilities. John was reincarnated with everything naturally bestowed onto him from his past life. John was born in a small village. John was able to improve his abilities by constantly using them. Training this way was taking a huge toll on his body for the energy consumption and energy recovery were so insane. However one day at the age of 6 years old he was taken away by a Dragon God that had spent 60 thousand years training itself before reaching a point where it could condense it's power and abilities and transform into a human as a human it's condensed power and abilities were even more fearsome than it spent another 20 thousand years training itself in human form currently able to converse in every language and act like a human. The Dragon God had fought against John. John was using the opportunity to improve his invincibility ability his armor ability and his gravity ability as well as his flight ability his teleportation ability as well as everything else. However the Dragon God defeated John and kidnapped him after witnessing John obtain Dragon scales which was a defensive ability of Dragons as well as obtaining Dragon hardening also an ability of Dragons. The Dragon God interested had defeated John and kidnapped him. John was placed in another dungeon. This dungeon however was used to train Dragons and improve their own abilities even the Dragon God could only make it half way.