The Dragon God had previously spent 600 thousand years gathering the great dungeons of each monster race and each legendary dungeon each mythical dungeon every impossible dungeon every single dungeon that was geared towards a monster race or was deemed unbeatable he gathered together and combined them using his own power and influence as well as vast amounts of wealth he had previously obtained by becoming rich and owning an organization that could rival the holy church which had global influence. The Dragon God decided to test out the dungeon while John was unconscious. They only got half way through the Dragon dungeon part. Naturally the dungeon which was holding Jackson was avoided. John was then tasked with conquering the entire dungeon. John manages to conquer the entire dungeon however it caused him his entire life span as he was extremely old and frail. John died at the age of 250 years old however he turned to ashes and rised like a Phoenix reborn. That was his obtained ability known as Phoenix reborn that would allow him to rise from the ashes like a Phoenix if he died by natural causes being murdered or killed would prevent this ability from activating. John was an infant however he had already conquered the entire dungeon. John kills the Dragon God. 16 years later John went on the hunt. John came face to face with Jade. Jade attacked John and tried to kill him. However Jade couldn't penetrate the defensive abilities of John with brute force or with her abilities gained on Earth she had to go all out. Jade attacked with her full power and was damaging John and beating the shit out of him however she was not quick enough to kill him as his defenses improved and overcame her power.