Jackson than made a decision he says "Congratulations you have proven yourself to be a worthy adversary and as thanks I'll be taking off the kid gloves so prepare yourself" Jackson uses even more energy to improve his energy weapons and armor his weapons begin to solidify even more they gain more power and so does his armor. The ground starts to shake Jade and Max put up barriers to protect themselves against the sheer power of Jackson's energy. Jackson unleashes 25% of his energy into his energy weapons and armor however it makes absolutely no difference to his energy as his energy recovery rate is insanely faster than the decrease so much so that he can recover 100% of his energy per second. Jackson looks at John and then attacks. Jackson's attacks are far more powerful than before and damaging John far easier and inflicting far greater amounts of damage to him however John's healing rate is still greater and completely heals John as a result John is recovering faster than his enemy can handle and all his enemies attacks are pointless and simply improve John's defenses. Jackson than goes to half of his energy which allows his energy weapons and armor to gain elemental abilities and powers as well as allowing him to attack with greater force unfortunately it is still losing to John's healing rate. Jackson than unleashed 75% of his energy on his weapons and armor as a result his weapons were inflicting far greater amounts of damage to John they also had overcome John's healing recovery and giving Jackson the advantage in the battle. Jackson was beating John his offense was far greater than John's defense and he was far more skilled than John as well as being far greater physically and more experienced.