Previously Jackson lacked a good defense but his offense and skills more than compensated for this however with this energy armor he was able to make up for his lack in defense he was basically compensating for his short comings through his recently obtained and mastered energy. When Jackson had first been in this world he had learned blacksmithing alchemy enchanting equipment with special powers and abilities in order to compensate for his shortcomings armor for his protection items that could store energy to compensate for his lack in energy he had enchanted his armor and items to compensate for his lack in defense he crafted weapons for combat eventually he became a master black smith a master craftsman a master enchanted item forger a master alchemist a master potion maker he was able to reach a level where the Royal family Nobels rich individuals sought him out his skills were great enough to spark wars however they were prevented by keeping his skills as a crafter a secret of the kingdom however he was provided resources funding materials from all over in secrecy allowing him to improve his skills. Than during his second life in this world he would craft using whatever he could find so he could compensate for his shortcomings mostly using monster skin bones blood fangs dirt wood and other such things again becoming as exceptional as before just by using these things which were all inferior to his previous resources than as a Demon he was able to use their resources and materials for crafting as a result there was none who could compare in terms of crafting quality however now that Jackson has this much energy and can use it to compensate for his shortcomings in defense he no longer needed to craft.