Chapter 161: Sharing the News

Ariana laid in bed beside Carter with the moonlight coming across the bed from the window. She sighed and playing with the sheet, picking at something invisible.

"What's wrong?" Carter peered over from his book with his glasses sitting low on his nose.

"Mia crashed today." Ariana didn't meet his gaze and he slipped his fingers beneath her collar to bring her eyes up to his.

"She crashed?" Carter became concerned and worried like a father that had heard about his daughter.

"She code blued, Carter. Matt asked me not to tell you when it happened because he knew you'd leave the restaurant."

"Damn right I would. You all should have told me." Carter sighed and Ariana shook her head.

"She's alive, but..." She peered down at the bed and sighed.

"I don't like that but..., baby girl." Carter repeated her and closed the book, setting it on the bedside table with his folded glasses.