Chapter 27: Pills and Passageways Part 4

How is everyone able to take it?

If I really wanted to, I could do it. Escape. Flee the Castle and live out in the jungle, if it meant I'd be free from this. But Reid's words come rushing back and with them, the bitter truth of what that would mean. Desertion. Abandoning everyone who wants to do the same. Who needs to, but is too terrified. I can't leave them. I won't, not to be snatched or dragged back or whatever being here means. But I need to get out of here too, even at night, if only to clear my mind.

I have to talk to Reid.

Down the line, a girl sneezes. Most keep their heads lowered but a sparse few like me risk a glance. And that's when I see him.

Not the him I was hoping for, but someone just as useful. Same dark hair and long nose, it's the kid who is always trailing after Reid and he's only six or seven bodies down. I make my way over and pause behind him. The girl to his left doesn't notice right away, but after a second, glances at me.

