Chapter 28: Rox Part 1

Reid locks his arm on the adjacent wall, blocking me with his back. Nipping his thumb, he tosses the incoming stranger a look, one that makes him stop short.

The boy with the red flame is put off for a second but recovers quickly. He smiles up at Reid, and, with a casual, almost friendly voice, explains. "Just coming over to say hello."


"Didn't realize you were..." he risks a glance at me, his dark eyes scouring the bits of my body he can see, "...tapping into the Market again."

Reid positions himself to fully cover me, dropping his arm from the wall. He crosses them, nipping at his right thumb again. The boy with the flame tattoo grins wider. "Good to see things are changing."

"Nothing's changed."

"Pratt still run your assignments?"

Reid shrugs innocently, honestly, "She's a friend."