Chapter 29: Rox Part 2

I head inside, latching the door behind me as I head for the bed. I have no idea what time Reid means to swing by, but after a day of ‘Rebuilding,' I'm in need of rest. I lie down, fold my arms behind my head and stare up at the silvery Gizella branches slithering across the ceiling. I'm not sure how long I've been transfixed when his voice startles me.


I spring up, finding Reid in the open doorway to my room. "Hi."

"Mind if I...?" he gestures to entering without an invitation, although he's already halfway in.

"Of course..." heat spreads throughout me at the suddenly tight proximity. But then I glance at the closed door behind him and realize what he's done. "How'd you do that?"

"What?" he looks to the crimson arch, "Oh - a sirolla."

I raise a brow.