Chapter 47: Confessions Part 2

I follow them outside and into the dark night. As soon as I breathe in the jungle's damp air, I feel it, the same call as before, pulling me closer to Ellae. I start to take off for it, following my feet which seem to know the way when Vix clings to my hips. Sampson's already off on his own, keeping ahead but veering left.

"Know where you are going?" Vix wants to know, trudging through the shrubbery with me.

"Ellae, I hope."

"Why is that?"

"Why is what?"

"You want to be there so bad," she states, swaying overgrown foliage from our way, "what are you hoping you will find?"

I've pondered it several times myself. What will I find in the place of ruin - a place I've never seen, never been to or heard about, a place I've never dreamed of or felt or knew existed and yet somehow, in some way, it's a place I belong.

"Answers," I step over a bubbling root. "I hope to find answers."