Chapter 48: Searching Part 1

"So... that was interesting about Sampson."

Able keeps his arm linked in mine as we head down the stairwell for Rebuilding. He keeps me close, pressed against his side, locking us together.

"Wasn't it?"

"Did you suspect?" he lowers his voice as we round to the ninth floor.

"No... but it makes sense when you think about it."

"I knew Reid had stuff he wasn't telling us. Like how he'd get us all that food in the beginning? And where did Jothkore come from?" he makes a confused face. "We all thought he and Tetlak had it out so he wanted to help us. What'd we know?" he shrugs, skipping down a few steps, pulling me with him.

"How do you think the Rogues are taking it?"

Able tilts his head, "Some better than others. They understand why it needed to be kept a secret. I think they're just in shock over everything."

"You seem to be doing alright."

"Like I said... kind of figured Reid was hiding something. Figured he'd tell us when we needed to know. And he did."