Chapter 49: Searching Part 2

I glance over my shoulder at the fight. There's still a mob around the same area, everyone locking eyes on Tetlak as he growls, jabbing his three-pronged staff to stop it. Biting my lip, I face the gate's entrance again, one of the winged creatures in front of me. It flutters just above my nose, its tiny black arm outstretched for me. Then it flies away, lost in the distance as it disappears for the jungle ahead.

I put logic aside and focus on instinct.

Racing for the Water Pole, I drop to the ground, searching. There's got to be a latch somewhere. That metal ladder Raj and I found - it was here, for the Water Pole. There must be an entrance. I slide my hands over the ground, finding a small metal hook and yank up. Yes! The ladder is right below and I jump down into the darkness.

Blinking, I reach for my Callix.