Chapter 163: Red Larupip Part 1

I hit the snow with a hard thud but the snow cushions most of the blow.

Blinking, I try to right myself, but I'm sinking into the cold. A thousand thoughts race through my head, including Able's flighty departure. Is he alright? What's happening? Someone calls my name - I think it's Reid - and it draws me back to the present. But as I try to get up, I find my legs are bound, pinned together at my ankles. Shit. And I'm moving. I'm being dragged by my feet.

I need my Traxpire. Reaching out, my hands skim the snow around me, frantically searching. But it's gone. It must've landed away from me. Heart racing, I lift my head to find a Dofinike moving in a swift jog, crunching through the snow and tugging on the piece of rope wrapped around my ankles.

This is not good.

"Reid!" I scream, flipping over, clawing at the ground. I squirm back and forth, making it harder to pull me while digging my elbows into the snow. "REID! SAMPSON!"