Chapter 164: Red Larupip Part 2

We both fire and the Dofinikes on either end fall face first into the snow. The middle Vermix only has seconds before he follows his comrades. Jace and Booker arrive with Pobo moving along the ground, stopping at each body. Reid and I take off, jetting through the snow to the five Rogues. Tucker and Werzo scramble to their feet, but as Reid and I race over, we find Able lying unconscious in the snow. Booker lifts the Rogue, tossing him over his shoulder, eyes scanning as we approach.

"What do we do, Boss?"

"We have to find Sampson," he pants, frantically searching. "But we need to get out of here."

"And go where?" Tucker reaches for one of the Vermix's Traxpires, tossing another one to Werzo.

"I don't know," Reid scans again, "but we can't stay here. Come on," he jets off and the rest of us follow, Pobo at my side. Reid leads us back near the cave's mouth, our herd keeping together when a Vermix rams into Booker and me, knocking us to the ground and sending Able flying again.