Chapter 196: Origin Part 2

"Do not be alarmed," a flash of her dress sparkles ahead. It disappears again in seconds. "He is well. Merely asleep."

Sampson and Clarence drop to their knees, lowering their heads to the dirt. Even with their focus down and their eyes shut, I can't force mine to do the same. I'm worried about Reid. He fell too quickly, like the life had been snatched out of him. What if he isn't asleep? What if he's hurt?

"He could not look upon me," She says from behind us. "It would have killed him."

"He's not dead?"

"He is not dead," Her voice assures from the left. "Merely asleep."

"Oh Great Mother..." Sampson whispers, "...oh Great Spirit."

"You are wondering why you are here, Fychu," She says from up ahead. "Why I have called you now and never before."

"I am."

"You are curious about several things," She's behind us again. "Why your life has enfolded the way it has. Why you must feel so much pain in your heart."

A beat and then, "Yes."