Chapter 195: Origin Part 1

I'm not sure how much time has passed.

Five, ten, fifteen minutes? I have no clue. Maybe I'm just wishing Reid never left. I could've spent the rest of the night gazing at him - and I plan to - if he ever returns. It's probably only been, like, a minute. But I want him here. Now. In this bed with me. There's something eternally soothing about lying with him, drowning in his warmth. His scent. His eyes. It's the safest place to be. Nothing can get to me when I'm with Reid.

But he's not back yet and I'm restless.

I get up and dress, all the way down to my Converse. Maybe a walk will calm me. It's probably the last thing I should be doing but if I stay close to Zinnollo's treetop bridges, I'll be fine. I need a walk to clear my head, to empty it of everything demanding my attention.