Chapter 212: Nerwos Part 2

"Do you know where the Gift is hidden?" Reid asks.

"I do not, no. But the Hylas are not open to outsiders. With the Vermix intrusion, we are granted every opportunity to expunge them."

"And how many Nerwos has King Thias sent?"

"We are a few thousand ourselves. Once the Ludins went up, it was obvious how dangerous the threat had become. King Thias wants them gone immediately. We expect the Vermix to have retreated by morning."

"Which is how far away?" Booker asks. "I have no concept of what time it is."

"It is mid-night. Morning will be here in only a short while. By then, the Hylas will be empty again."

"Well then let's get them," Jace nods. "I'm ready."

"We do not need human or Zingfinold assistance," Bhanton scoffs. "We are a few thousand. What need are you to us?"

"You always need allies," I retort. "Especially when working toward the same goal. And if King Thias needs this threat gone immediately, every bit helps. Even from the Zingfinolds. Even from the humans."