Chapter 213: Nerwos Part 3

Before, when the invasion started yesterday, the fighting was from afar, shooting Brulily darts and firing guns and constantly moving through the trees. But here, right now, there's nothing to hide. It's in the open field and it's hand to hand - talon to knife - and the ground is quickly covering with both body types.

"Jesus," Jace whispers. "How many are there?"

"Which?" Tucker follows his gaze.

"Both," Booker mutters.

"At least it's pretty evenly matched," I scan the open field, following the Nerwos as they bring the fighting North.

"If all goes well," Reid nods, "Sampson could be right. They could be gone by morning."

"Which is when?" Jace asks.

"A few hours. I think."

"Then what's the plan, Rox?" Walker crosses his arms. "We just going to stand around and watch?"

"We could unleash our secret weapon," Jace nudges me.

"I don't think so," Reid threads his fingers in mine. "We all go in together. And we all stick together. Got it?"