Chapter 28: Killing A Mutant Beast

One of the special advantages of an animal's madness was that it would lose some of its biological instincts and would do anything to eat players.

It seemed that the same was true of the mutant beast.

The Sika deer crashed into the shelter's gate and lost its footing, immediately falling to the ground. When it fell, it was scratched by a wooden spike and fell into the gap between two spikes.

This was an ordinary wooden arrow, made by Chen Chen when he copied the original modern arrow. Although there was a problem with the angle, Chen Chen did not expect that the arrow could only graze its skin.

After the first arrow was shot, Chen Chen didn't hold back. He picked up the modern arrow and loaded it into the crossbow.

Chen Chen had just loaded the arrow when he saw the mutated beast fall into the gap between the Frisian horses. He immediately reached out the crossbow and aimed at the sika deer and pulled the trigger.


Half of the arrow sank into the sika deer's stomach. It was in pain and started struggling. Although it was very strong, it fell to the ground and was caught by the retractable horse. It could not use its strength at all.

Therefore, although the wooden stake was making a clanging sound, in reality, the deer was only struggling with its last breath.

Still worried, Chen Chen shot three more arrows.

Chen Chen then pressed the temperature control window back to its original position and came down from the table to warm himself, waiting for the deer to die.


Chen Chen, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly stood up. "I'm still kind-hearted. I can't bear to see it struggle so much."

He picked up the crossbow and opened the door. He fired six arrows at the deer, letting it rest in peace.


The beast was dead, but Chen Chen did not drag the body back to the shelter.

The radiation outside was too strong. Chen Chen did not want to go to sleep smelling the blood. He was not that sick. He would retrieve the bodies the next morning.

He let the firewood burn into charcoal and moved the rest of the items beside the stove. Chen Chen then went to bed in peace.

The next day, he woke up at 6:30 AM. Chen Chen went out to take a look. The time that the prey could still survive had changed from one hour at night to two hours.

Of course, Chen Chen only had 1 hour and 38 minutes left.

The mutated queen bee had already laid more than 3,000 eggs so far. At this rate, not to mention the little Chinese bee, even the Italian bee could only hope to catch up.

Chen Chen gave the mutated queen bee a thumbs up. "You've worked so hard just to become a queen bee. As expected of the bee that I raised."

Then, Chen Chen called out the panel. The golden liquid in the small ball under the full-occupation panel was almost full.

Perhaps today, or the day after tomorrow, it would be completely stored up. He did not know what use it would be by then.

"After all the trouble at night, I woke up so early today." Chen Chen washed up and started to roast meat. "I feel that after my agility improved, my appetite has increased a little, but it should not be as exaggerated as when my physique improved."

There were still eight pounds of meat left from before, and Chen Chen felt that it was just enough for him to eat for a day.

After eating, Chen Chen went out and moved the bodies of the sika deer, wild boar, and eight wolves into the shelter. There was a pile on the left side of the wall, and the shelter was really full.

He sent the bees out to scout again, and Chen Chen began to process the bodies himself. The furs were still left to the people who had dealt with them before, and he was sure that he would be happy with the danger today.

[Private message to Pan Gu]

Chen Zhen: Master Pan, I have another batch of furs, and I need you to deal with them. I will also give you a reward.

Pan Gu: No problem, Brother Chen. Send me that leather.

Chen Zhen: It's not leather. It's a batch of skin. I think there are at least nine of them.

Pan Gu: !!!

Pan Gu: I... Brother Chen, you must be lying. You must be lying! Impossible, how could you get so many furs in one go.

Chen Zhen: [Pile of corpses. jpg]

Chen Zhen: I said it was a batch, right?

Chen Zhen: Alright, I'll hand the things over to you. We'll trade later.


Master Pan did not say anything else. Perhaps he was in a hurry, so Chen Chen said nothing too and continued to deal with the corpses.

It was not easy to finish dealing with the corpse, but one and a half hours had passed.

Chen Chen opened the private message and found that Pan Gu had sent a few messages, and there was also a trade message.

He opened it and saw that the trade request was for the leopard's fur to be sent to Chen Chen.

Chen Chen clicked accept and also sent Pan Gu's ax back.

[Private message to Pan Gu. ]


Pan Gu: Brother Chen, I'll wait for you. You have to let me handle it. You'll know when you see the leopard skin. I'm a very good craftsman. The fox skin is still a little lacking, though it will be ready tomorrow.

Chen Zhen: Okay, you can treat your belongings as a trade. The wolf skin has meat on it. I'll treat it as a fee for you.

Pan Gu: Okay, I've finally waited for this sentence.

Pan Gu: my belongings are not much different from the fur. I'll send you a transaction request right now.


The leopard skin was very well made, comfortable to the touch, and looked luxurious. It could be used as a blanket in the future.

As for the value of the belongings that Pan Gu mentioned, Chen Chen did not care. As long as the two were equally valuable, he was not afraid that he would go back on his word. As for whether he really had so little property, Chen Chen did not care.

He had nine skins and fur, and there was even more meat left.

After removing the internal organs and other things, the remaining meat, together with the bones that had not been removed, weighed a total of six hundred pounds!

Of course, the sika deer was inedible because it was a mutated beast, but even after Chen Chen's deduction, it still weighed more than five hundred pounds.

Dissecting the sika deer also allowed Chen Chen to understand the difference between mutated beasts.

The sika deer's fur was exceptionally tough, and it was very difficult to cut with a Tang knife. However, the meat inside was normal, and it did not have such high defense.

Its eyes were red. After taking it out, Chen Chen saw that its entire eyeball was blood-red, and it was particularly creepy. Chen Chen looked uncomfortable and directly threw it outside.

And these were not the main points. The most unusual thing about the mutated beast was that it had metal tissue growing on its body!

The deer's antlers were completely black and metal. The originally round and beautiful antlers were now twisted and sharp.

The wooden board outside the shelter had been pierced through by the sharp antlers.

The meat of the mutant beast couldn't be used for the time being, so Chen Chen stored it separately and did not stack it with other meat. It would be bad if the blood of the mutant beast contaminated the fresh meat.

Chen Chen directly nailed two long cement nails to the wooden wall, lifted the mutated beast up, and hung it on the wall with its antlers.

"Although this meat is a lot for me personally, it's not much if I put it into the entire region. There must be people who are hungry. At the critical moment, the mutated beast's meat can also be sold," Chen Chen thought.

There was no other way. From the first day, there were always people who were hungry. When they were about to starve to death, they did not care about the abnormal radiation.

Looking at the regional channel, the number of people had dropped to 756. And today, the number dropped every few minutes.

Such a cruel fact made many players give up on going out and choose to hide in the shelter.

After everything was done, Chen Chen washed the grease off his hands.


After embedding Tang straight blade on the table, Chen Chen started to put on his outdoor equipment.

"I am still that generous neighbor of yours."

Everything was ready, and the bees were out of danger within 10 kilometers. Chen Chen walked out of the shelter with a crossbow in his hand.

Judging from the excitement of the bees, today's food might be a super fruit!