Chapter 29: The First Person In The Region

[Deal: Internal organs of a wild wolf

Description: Normal, non-toxic, non-polluted wild wolf internal organs, heart, liver, spleen, kidney, large intestine, bladder... buy whatever you like. There are many of them. If you need to send a private message, just give me the terms of exchange. It's a fixed price. If it's suitable, I'll trade.]

Terms of trade: Message, Market price

[Deal: Wild boar guts

Description: Wild boar offal is non-toxic, non-polluting, and has all kinds of organs. There is only one serving. First come, first served. Those who like to eat pigs can restore all types of delicacies. Private message me, directly spell out the terms of trade, a fixed price, and trade if appropriate.

Terms of trade: Message, Market price

Just as the number of people in the area kept dropping, Chen Chen's two trading messages suddenly attracted the attention of everyone.

When they saw Chen Chen's trading messages, the entire area was in an uproar, and it was far more than before!

Killing like a sheep: Oh my God! How did he do it?

F*ck: I'm kneeling.

Vitality Girl Guo Degang: What happened to the most brutal seventh day? This time, it wasn't enough to stay outside, okay?

Mechanical Tentacles: Was it the super peach fruit you bought last night? Some were saying on the world forum that people would emit a charming fragrance after the super fruit was plucked, and wild beasts would not be able to resist the temptation. Brother Chen should have used the peach to attract it and then used a long-range weapon to kill it, right?

Quick, fight the dragon: I actually found some good stuff today, and I was a little happy, but then I suddenly saw this.

Iwata Iwata: This is too amazing! ! The superhuman war hero!

Pancake Doggie: I remember brother Chen's superpower is to create things. How come his combat power is so strong?

Little Devil: I know! Brother Chen must be a reincarnated special operative!

A Leaf: It's time travel.

I am the main character: As expected of my brother Chen, d*mn it!

Survival expert Xing Kai: He's mighty.

Pangu Kaizhang: you guys have underestimated Boss Chen. Do you know how many wild beasts brother Chen has killed? A total of eight wolves! ! A wild boar and a sika deer!


Heavenly Sword had been blacklisted by Chen Chen and could not comment, but he posted it under his own transaction anyway.

Heavenly Sword: Did you see that? Such a big hunt can only be done by long-range weapons like bows and arrows. Who knows how many times he has died in close combat.

Giegie Li Tieniu: Oh, didn't you join the blacklist?

Heavenly Sword: Good, you don't want bows and arrows, right? I've blacklisted you.


This was not the end. Many players felt too shocked and went to the world forum to speak.

Many people were wailing under the world forum posts. Either their legs or stomachs were broken. Everyone was shocked when they saw this news.

It was dangerous outside today, so everyone came mentally prepared. Many people chose not to go out, so they spent a lot of time on the forum.

When they saw the news, everyone's first reaction was:

Are you f*cking kidding me?

What happened to the danger? What happened to the mutant beast?

What happened? How could Chen Zhen from District 19711 be so powerful?

Emperor Qi! RNM, refund!

Some players saw Chen Chen's gains and were unable to sit still. They took their weapons and walked out of their shelters, hoping to get some good stuff.

Many of these people left and never returned.

In the past, Chen Chen analyzed problems and did carpentry... These were still within the normal range, so everyone could understand.

However, he killed ten wild beasts during the first radiation outbreak. This went beyond everyone's imagination. No one could imagine how someone could do such a thing at this stage.

During the discussion in the world forum, Heavenly Emperor Qi made it clear, "At this stage, or even in the future, weapons like guns can't appear."

Today, Chen Chen had suddenly taken out so much beast meat, fundamentally changing his position in the hearts of the majority of the players.

Originally, everyone had only thought that he was a capable big shot. Now, almost all players believed that Chen Chen was worthy of being the number one person in District 19711. He could also be ranked in the top few places in the world forum.

Although they could not meet, Chen Chen's had much greater influence.

Just like scientists, celebrities, internet celebrities, and historical talents, their influence was sometimes greater than that of many people close to them.


When he saw this information, Chen Chen was also quite surprised. However, he quickly understood.

"Perhaps in such a difficult situation, people need a hero. At least, there is a glimmer of hope."

Chen Chen understood himself very well. He definitely did not have the strength that the current public opinion had. No matter how much everyone praised him, he was just an ordinary person who had lost his life in the wild due to an accident.

Things had developed to this extent because he was "the first person to eat crabs."

Later on, as long as someone thought of the same method and had a certain amount of luck, it was also possible to kill dozens of wild beasts in one go.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen could not help but laugh. "Although I know that it was largely due to luck, I'm still happy to see these words."

There was not much time left for Chen Chen today, and the wilderness was so safe. He wanted to search for as many resources as possible.

Therefore, after leaving the house, he picked up his knife and ran to search. This was the best way to increase efficiency. Anyway, with the job of a scavenger, he was not afraid of missing out on resources.

Today was indeed the day of an outbreak of resources. Along the way, he saw a lot of resources, but Chen Chen did not pick them up.

Wood, stones, and other things naturally didn't attract his eyes. The five units of steel plates he found previously were not bad, but Chen Chen still had to head east, so it was not convenient for him to bring them along. He only memorized the location and waited to bring them back later.

In front of him, there was food that seemed to be super fruits waiting for him. Naturally, he had to get his hands on this thing first.

This time, the food was relatively far away, about six kilometers away. However, Chen Chen's physique and agility had been strengthened, so he only took around ten minutes to get there.

Of course, this was because he did not care about how quickly his stamina ran out. Under normal circumstances, he had to deal with all kinds of dangers, so he would not run so fast to exhaust his stamina.

When he got closer, he found that it was indeed a super fruit, in the shape of a grape.

This time, the super fruit still grew on a plant that looked like an herb vine. The slender branches of the plant twisted and climbed up a short tree, and the grape hung in the middle of the branches.

Chen Chen was delighted and went forward to take the grape.

This time, he took the super fruit. Without hesitation, he immediately ate the whole bunch.

Today, he was prepared to search the wilderness properly. He could not let the super fruit attract wild beasts.

However, after picking the fruit, the smell was still somewhat diffused. Chen Chen slightly changed his route and prepared to return.

When he returned, he would find some supplies and bring back the previous five units of steel.

After that, he would let the bees go out to scout the situation. They would only come out when there was no danger.

The speed, defense, and attack of the mutated beasts had increased. It would be difficult for them to escape unscathed if they encountered Chen Chen in the wilderness. It was better to be cautious.