I Want to Report a Crime (3)

This guy sounded nice and confident, but what if something happened to him?

He would be the one who died!

Lu Ping wouldn't risk his life.

Kong Xuan said nothing.

He was helpless. Lu Ping's words didn't seem to be wrong.

But he didn't want to report this to the Garrison Division department!

"Lu Ping, aren't you going to establish a sect? Then you'll need money everywhere. If you go and exterminate those sect thieves, the spoils of war will be at least hundreds of millions of star dollars!" Kong Xuan decided to tempt him with benefits.

Unfortunately, Lu Ping shook his head, he said, "Mr. Kong, it's good to have a lot of money, but do you think I can do it? If I really have the strength, wouldn't it be better spent if I went out and killed a few Mahayana stage demonic beasts?" 

Was Lu Ping short of money? He definitely was.

The last time he obtained the Five Qi Forging technique, it was simply a godly skill in Lu Ping's eyes.