Forbidden LOVE PT.2

Yami torturing Stark*

Kenny:beat him till he bleeds out*

Yami:yessir *kicks Stark in the face repeatedly*

To kanames shelter

Ruby: so the person with the best ki is susanno and to get used to ki I'll give you a tip ki is life energy

Susanno: so can we all fight you to get our ki stronger

Ruby:ok I wanna fight Amaterasu first


*shoot 10 ki fire balls*

Ruby:dodges all

Ruby hits Amaterasu with bo staff and kicks her in chest*

Amaterasu: runs up to ruby and kicks her stomach*

Ruby:your good

Amaterasu smilies*

Ruby: shoots ki blast


Ruby punches Amaterasu*

Amaterasu punches ruby*

Susanno:that's enough


Susanno:I'm surprised she can keep up

Ruby:she learns while she's fight she's has amazing potential

Susanno:so can I fight u next

Ruby:ok just let me rest

30 minutes later*

Ruby:I'm ready


Ruby tries to kick his leg*

Susanno dodges and grabs her neck and punches her*

Ruby jumps on cloud and hits him across the head with bo staff*

Susanno uses blue threads and pulls her down and punches her*

Ruby knocked out*

2 hours later

Tsukuyomi:my turn

Ruby:no all of you passed

To Kenny's hideout

Stark screaming*

Yami laughs

Amaterasu:all four of you we have to save Stark

Susanno:we don't even know where yami took him

Hinata:I can use my water to find him


Hinata:well I can make some water and then try to track him within the area I just need a lot of ki to do it

Amaterasu:how do you know that

Hinata:that doesn't matter just put some ki in me

Ruby gives her some ki*

Hinata is tracking him down within the area*

Ruby:how did you know yami took Stark tho

Susanno:he is the only person who can make a bird like that

Amaterasu:any luck

Hinata:no I can't find him

Amaterasu cries*

Susanno:it's ok Amaterasu

Hugs hers*

Ruby:let me take care of her and hinata help me

Susanno:tsukuyomi let's go look for Stark alone


Levitates them both in the air*

They find yami whipping Stark against a tree*

stops levitating them*

Susanno punches yami knocking him out*

Tsukuyomi levitates them away to kaname's shelter*

Stark goes in Amaterasu room and says hi*

Amaterasu breaks down crying hugging him*