Hinata are you a traitor!?

Hinata:susanno I have to tell you something in private


Hinata:so I know your father's name and I-

Susanno:shut up your a traitor

Susanno kicks her head*

Susanno:your the reason my mom is dead

Hinata:no I'm-

Susanno:leave me alone

Susanno cries*

Hinata:let me explain

Susanno:explain what that your a traitor

Hinata:I'm not a traitor

Susanno:yes you are you said you knew my dads name I don't even know his name how would you know it you had to meet him your a traitor

Hinata:look he kidnapped me and forced me to help him kill your mom

Susanno:so you did help him get out of my sight bastard

Susanno tells everyone*

Amaterasu:get out hinata before I kill you I trusted you

Hinata:wait can you at least take care of my little brother

Susanno:yes and I'll teach him not to be a traitor like you

Hinata:his name is kendo and he has two abilities hope and luck

Susanno:just leave


Kendo:hi I'm 11 years old and where is my sister

Susanno:she's traveling

Kendo:ok so you gonna train me

Kendo smiles*

Susanno:yes but just listen to everything I say


Susanno:first how does your ability Work

Kendo:so hope is kinda weird I can hope for anything and luck is like I get lucky a lot

Susanno:dang your whole life must be simple

Kendo:yea that's why I wanna become a galaxy lord to protect the whole world

Susanno:I wanna be a galaxy lord too guess that means we're rivals now

Then they fist bump and hug*

Susanno:ok so I'll teach you

2 weeks later

Kendo:I've improved so much I'm can even keep up with Stark

Susanno pats his head*