
"Then I'll go and ask her for some help," Jin-woo stood up and walked out of the room but as he was about to exit the room he stopped.

"What happened?" Haru asked while looking at him.

"Where is she currently?" Jin-woo asked since he had no drive to search the entire house.

"Ah, she is in the basement with Jin-ah and Zenobia," Haru said as he can sense their presence.

"Ok," Jin-woo nodded and left the room leaving Haru alone in the living room.

'The attack should be happening soon,' Haru thought while stretching his body a little, it was clear because he had seen many different people keeping an eye on the Relictomb they all used.

'It is good that things are going as I thought they would, Agrona is even using Seris and Melzri to make some disturbances in Dicathen but it isn't that problematic, There is nothing that has gone out of my expectation yet,' Haru yawned since he never liked planning things it wasn't that he couldn't but he just never did.

He has developed a habit of going with the flow because of his overprotective Mother and Aunt plus Kurumi who was in a league of her own when it came to overprotectiveness.

And also planning things felt a lot boring to him but he was changing over time as being like this can be very problematic if he is the weaker party. He would be basically walking on thin ice if he doesn't use everything he has.

'Taking it easy is quite hard,' Haru smiled while drinking his red wine which was made by Queresha and he loved it a lot.

"It is better than any I've had before," Haru muttered to himself while leaning back on the sofa thinking about god knows what.

It has been a week since then and everything was peaceful as ever, on the surface at least.

The Council was under tremendous pressure since Haru came and it only grew further as days passed by because the Eraliths were preparing for the upcoming war with full force after what happened last time plus they had finalized the next lance as well.

But Greysunders and the Glayders were pressured in a different way since they were contacted by the Vritras to do some things for them. This put them between a rock and a hard place since they would be fucked no matter which side they go to.

But to their saving grace, Haru told them to comply with the other side since it didn't matter much in the grand scheme of things and it would only play to his advantage.

Haru knew that the other party would contact the two who had turned traitor once since their situation would be bad which would make it easier for them to be used as pawns. A very simplistic and obvious move but it would be effective only if Haru didn't know about it.

At this point, Haru was the headache of every major force in the world and everyone wanted to end him as soon as possible.

Outside the gate to the Relictomb in Vechor,

Hae-in, Jin-ah, Kanae, Queresha, Zenobia, and Alea just came out of the building that had the entrance to the Relictombs.

"Should we go back first today as well?" Hae-in asked looking back at the gate to the Relictombs.

"I think so, it seems My Lord will be training more like usual," Queresha answered Hae-in's question. This was kind of like a daily thing for them since Haru had started to train much longer than before.

"It is good that he isn't slacking off but rest is also important," Kanae said as she crossed her hands over her chest while looking away.

'You're one to talk,' Everyone thought of the same thing since these words didn't really suit Kanae herself everyone knew how much she trained. But suddenly Kanae turned her head sharply looking at jin-ah with narrowed eyes.

"W-Why are you looking at me Kanae Unnie?" Jin-ah was scared but she didn't say anything so there was no need to feel scared, right? There is no way Kanae can read minds now….Right?

"I don't know why but I feel annoyed for some reason," Kanae frowned as she looked at everyone. Jin-ah gulped looking at Kanae.

'Kanae unnie evolved? She can tell if someone is thinking bad about her,' Jin-ah was a little horrified since now she didn't get hit for blurting out words.

"I think I get it," Hae-in agreed while sighing her words puzzled Jin-ah and Alea but.

"How dare these imbeciles to trample over the mercy My Lord showed them?" Queresha's face was ice cold and the air around her was trembling from the force coming out of her.

'Well, I think it is what Haru wanted but I don't think Queresha can be reasoned with at the moment,' Zenobia shook her head since her friend was quite extreme sometimes.

Queresha's words put Jin-ah on edge while Alea also felt uneasy and she gripped the handle of the sword on her waist.

It was clear that something was happening and it wasn't any good looking at how Queresha was walking out of the Aether barrier with a cold look while the others also didn't have a good look on their faces as they walked towards the outside.

"Zenobia, what happened?" Alea asked Zenobia in a low voice since the mood was so tense.

"Well, we are currently surrounded," Zenobia said with a serious look.

'Surrounded? Is it about the war Haru talked about? Is it starting already? Haru isn't here as well,' Alea was shocked hearing about this, it seemed the situation was worse than she had thought.

With Queresha in the lead Hae-in, Kanae, Zenobia, Alea, and Jin-ah came out of the Aether barrier and looked around the silent forest.

Queresha looked around once and raised her leg which confused Alea before she saw her slamming it down on the ground.


The ground rumbled like a meteor just crashed on it with cracks spreading everywhere.

"A-Ahhhh," Alea who wasn't prepared for it nearly fell as her vision was covered with a thick cloud of dust.


"This is annoying," With Kanae's voice the dust cloud was blown away and everyone was able to see clearly because the forest that was surrounding them was gone. Yes, the entire forest was gone because of Queresha stomping her foot.

'W-What the hell? She destroyed space that is roughly the same as 30 % of Elshire Kingdom just like that,' Alea was quite dumbfounded by the sight in front of her eyes.

The ground was fully cracked with broken trees all over the floor as the land was basically flattened and even lowered from the rest of the land, All of this with a stomp to the ground and she didn't even go all out trying to contain the impact in the forest.

But that wasn't the point at the moment since everyone was able to see their enemies in front of them.

'H-How are we going to fight so many of them?' Alea gulped in fear seeing nearly five thousand enemies in front of them. And it didn't help that all of them were looking at them with killing intent. Hae-in and Kanae shook it off easily while Queresha didn't even bother with it.

The ones who were affected by it were Alea, and Jin-ah while Zenobia was able to barely able to withstand it.

"Jin-ah, Are you ok?" Alea looked at Jin-ah who looked anxious.

"I am fine," Jin-ah answered with a nod but it was clear that she wasn't, feeling malice and killing intent from this close was a first for her. Even when she was present during the fight against Antares she didn't feel anything and was only able to do something to help during the battle because Queresha took care of the pressure from Antares while giving her proper orders. But that wasn't the case now and Jin-ah was fully exposed to the overwhelming malice.

"We are inside a barrier," Hae-in spoke while looking up.

"It is for stopping us from teleporting away, it is using Aether to maintain it be wary of your surroundings as well," Queresha answered her since she had already sensed it as she stepped out.

"The weight around my body feels off as well," Kanae said while lifting her hand up and down.

'Gravity to make it harder for us to move and Space from keeping us from running away, Like Haru said, they have prepared themselves alright,' Hae-in smiled with a little shrug.

'The last attack didn't disrupt the barrier which means it isn't sustained using different points but rather used by people by themselves,' The stomp to shake up the place was to see how the barrier was set up. Getting her answer Queresha looked at the people who were standing a few kilometers away from them.