It's A Free For All

"Lord Kazees it is as you said these people are dangerous," A good-looking man with average height and green hair spoke to Kazees who was standing near him.

The man was the head of the Mapellia clan from the Hamadryad race. The forest that Queresha destroyed wasn't a normal one but one that was strengthened by the Mapellia clan with their plant magic and some of the titan race mages using their earth magic.

It was strengthened to the point that Varay the strongest lance from Dicathen would barely be able to dent a tree if she attacked it with her most powerful attack expending all her mana.

'There were many traps set in there as well, but all it took was a single attack and it is all reduced to rubble,' Lord Mapellia thought with a surprised look, he didn't believe that he had seen someone who is on the same level as themselves the Representative clan Leaders. And the worst part of all was that this person was a lesser she wasn't even an Asura.

"There was no need for me to lie to you all, These people are dangerous we need to subdue them before they turn their fangs on us," Kazees spoke with his voice reaching everyone in the attack force.

Many of the saw the power held by just one of them, it was enough to make them all serious about the battle.

"I never doubted you Lord Indrath, there was no way you waste everyone's time and the people who think so are quite dull," Lord Avignis of the phoenix race who was standing close by spoke, his words were clearly directed towards the titan race who were the most averse to this operation.

And it wasn't only the Titans who had the problem with this decision at first. Everyone had until Kazees showed them proof and they had to come here before something else happens.

They were all here to subdue Haru before he became a bigger threat and here they were greeted by a powerful lesser, there were five more behind her who can be as strong as the first one.

'Everyone is going to have a slice of the pie,' Every clan leader had this thought. Killing these lessers was a waste it would be better to teach them a lesson and have them as subordinates.

Kazees looked relieved that everyone appeared on the same page after Queresha's display of power.

But their thoughts didn't last for long since….


Another explosion rang out bringing everyone's attention to it and they saw the black-haired woman standing on the back with two swords on her waist with her fist out and the land in front of her was covered in blood.

"A sneak attack really?" Kanae looked furious since the attack was aimed at her. The person who attacked her was from the Pantheon Race who was able to hide himself with their secret technique and tried a sneak attack but he was popped like a balloon full of water by Kanae's punch.

Seeing that the Asuras were even more surprised to see someone from the pantheon race get killed like that since the race was known for their physical arts.

Kazees opened his mouth since it was the perfect time to make sure who stands where. Lesser or not having powerful subordinates never hurts.

'And If I have them, that kid will have no choice but to submit to me along with that beast of his, It is good that Agrona didn't come here although I expected it, I have much more to gain from this,' Kazees's mind was already thinking about the gains since he saw no way in which he lost. He had more than 2,000 Asuras these numbers are more than enough to subdue these lessers before Haru comes.

From the start, Kazees had no reason to fight head-on with Haru since it would be much easier this way that is why he had used Agrona to keep an eye on this place keeping track of the other party's movements and his perfect chance arrived where he could win with no damage but he seemed to didn't take one thing in consideration.

"Just surrender, It would be easier for you and that other lesse-ACK*" Kazees who was in the middle of his words was grabbed by the neck.

"Don't expect an easy death," With those words, Queresha kicked the ground.


"AAHHHHHHHHH," the army of Asuras was thrown off ground by the shockwave left behind by Queresha taking Kazees away from the place.

Everything was a mess spike made of metal came out of the ground piercing many of the weaker Asuras who had fallen on the ground. This spell was also Queresha's doing before she went off.

Queresha grabbed the leader and killed nearly 400 in an instant.

"Queresha has lost it, looks like it is free for all," Hae-in spoke as a ring on her right pinkie finger lit up and she was donned in her red armour while the sword Haru gave her appear in her hand.

The other did the same and everyone was in their armour in no time, The ring was called Armour ring it allowed the user to keep a set of armour in the ring and change into it at a moment's notice.

This was something Queresha made as an experiment for an artefact she wanted to make for Haru and it was very popular in the house since it was a convenient artefact that could help them get ready for battle quickly. Jin-ah particularly liked it a lot and even wanted to have one that had multiple slots to add different clothes in them.

"She is always like that, Jin-ah stay behind with Alea and fight together," Kanae gave the orders, Alea felt hurt by what Kanae said but it was the truth she wasn't strong enough now.

She might be able to do something with Jin-ah's help since the latter also didn't have that much power compared to the others in the group she was still on the weaker side. But Jin-ah wasn't in a good state of mind right now.

"I wanted to test my new weapon anyway," Zenobia spoke with a smile she was fully covered in silver armour with a black spear in her hand.

"You lessers should've taken the mercy given to you, Everyone attack them, Lord Indrath will be back soon," Lord Mapellia shouted as he swung down a spear downwards at Kanae.

His loud voice jolted the others awake, everyone was still shocked at how Queresha took off with Kazees but they believed in their leader the strongest of all Asuras.

"I can say the same for you," Kanae scoffed and swung Onimaru (her katana) horizontally towards Mapellia wanting to meet his attack head-on. Kanae wasn't holding back this time as her blade was coated with Haki and her weights were gone as well.

"How foolish to meet my attack hea-," Mapellia who was about to mock Kanae threw himself to the left barely dodging the sword that was about to cut his head off.


Mapellia's spear that he had made with his mana arts was cut off like a stick and the other half flew off and got stuck on the ground.

"You were saying something?" Kanae looked at Mapellia.

"Oh ho, Kanae is trying to trash talk," Hae-in smiled while cutting down many attackers that came towards her like she was dancing around with her sword until she met a huge guy swinging his ice hammer on her.


"This is as far as you go lesser," A large man with dark blue hair and eyes said as the surrounding started to get colder and frost the surface of the ground froze slowly.

"Let's see if that is true," Hae-in spoke as she moved forward to attack the man with her sword and clashed with the man without any fear.


Hae-in's relentless attacks with a fast rhythm kept on hitting the hammer of the man.

And in a bit small cuts started to appear on the man while his attacks only missed Hae-in.