A Mistake

"Wait is that lesser pushing Lord Ecceliah back in a head-on confrontation," The Asuras were scared looking at Hae-in dancing around the man while dodging his attacks with ease.

"Not only that but she is also damaging him, how can a lesser get past Lord Ecceliah's ice armor?" The Asuras from the Leviathan race were also unable to understand what was happening. Ecceliah was the representative clan of the leviathan race and their lord who is on par with other Lords aside from Lord Indrath.

The clash was still ongoing with Hae-in bringing her sword down to deflect the hammer to the side.


"That was close," Hae-in jumped to the left and saw a ball of water fall where she was before, and it wasn't normal water either since the ground was melting at a rapid speed with green smoke rising.

It was clearly a sneak attack done on purpose since...

"Heads up lesser [Ice Crush]" Lord Ecceliah was bringing down the hammer full force on her head, and Hae-in knew that if it hit it would be a serious injury to her because of how corrosive the acid was.

Hae-in thrust her sword forward toward the incoming hammer.

'Foolish, Your arrogance is going to be your downfall,' Ecceliah thought as he saw Hae-in.


The sword tip hit the hammer and a metallic sound rang in the surroundings before.


The hammer was sliced down from the middle but that wasn't all.

Lord Ecceliah was also injured, His left shoulder had a deep slash on it even his bones were cut.

'If I didn't move down at the last moment I would've been dead,' Ecceliah thought with cold sweat on his back because the attack was meant for his head and he was barely able to move out of the way.

Hae-in wasn't going to miss the chance and moved forward clearly wanting to finish the job here but she jumped back.


If she had moved forwards she would be hit by that metal spike that came out of the ground.

"You guys sure like sneak attacking people," Hae-in looked at the tall burly man with tanned skin standing a little far from Leviathan.

"Well we can't have a Clan leader be disgraced by lessers like you," The man spoke as Lord Agvintus came to heal the leviathan clan leader with his healing fire.

"You guys sure talk a lot," Hae-in said with a smile before attacking the man. Seeing her coming the man summoned a silver-colored spear in his hands and thrust it towards Hae-in's head.

"Then I'll beat some sense in you," The man spoke angrily as Hae-in swung her sword horizontally wanting to meet the spear head-on.

"[Absolute Cleave]" Hae-in used one of the techniques of the sword gripping it powerfully with her mana pouring into it.


The blade hit the spear tip making a loud sound but before the man could do anything the sword cut into the spear tip cutting it in half and cutting the whole spear in half before heading for the wielder.

"H-Ho-SPLASH*," Before the man could say anything he was cut into two.

"W-What? Who did that lesser cut through a weapon made by the Grandus clan and she even killed one of the Titan clan leaders," Avignis was shocked at what happened, even if all of the clan leaders might not be on the same level their strength wasn't something one could look down on.

"So who's next?" Hae-in asked looking at Leviathan and Avignis.

Things weren't looking good for the Asuras since they were being overpowered even if they had numbers on their side.

Queresha took Kazees out while killing and seriously injuring hundreds of others.

Hae-in was dealing with Clan leaders and had multiple others killed by her sword.

Kanae on the other hand was fighting the Mapellia clan leader who was going on a rampage with his tree giant after his arm was lopped off by Kanae.


A huge tree giant that could rival a 10-story building was punching the ground in frenzy without caring for friends or foes and its target wasn't the ground but Kanae.

"Damn it damn it, Die already you lesser bitch," Mapellia shouted with a face twisted in anger while his giant sent another punch toward Kanae who was mid-air.


The attack could only land on the ground since Kanae easily dodged it by twisting her body. But that wasn't all as a blur appeared beside her and punched towards her head with full force.


Kanae was sent down from the air and landed on her feet with her left hand up.

Smoke can be seen coming from her left hand the attack packed quite a punch.

"You really did intend to kill me," Kanae spoke to the man who had four eyes and tattoos on his body.

"As a warrior, I wouldn't want to hold back against an enemy," The man said while taking a battle stance.

"You, why are you interfering with my fight? Get out of the way that bitch's head is mine for the taking," Mapellia shouted the man was about to speak in order to calm him down but....

"I see, Wait a bit let me take out this nuisance," Kanae spoke as she returned the katana to her sheath before taking a stance with her hand on the katana.

"What are yo- SWISH*" before the man with tattoos could speak a gust of wind passed by him. The man looked back and his eyes widened.

Kanae was already standing behind the tree giant with her katana still in her sheath.

"[Iai: Folded Wing]" with Kanae's words the tree giant was cut in two along with Mapellia who was on the head of the giant.


Kanae looked back at the shocked man and smirked.

"You better be ready since I won't be holding back," Kanae said before beating the living shit out of the man.

A little far away from Kanae there were many Asuras on the floor bleeding out while the phoenix clan members tried to heal them but it didn't work.

"Damn it what is happening?" One of the phoenix race's Asura shouted since now what they did the wounds weren't healing.

"It is that dark-skinned woman's doing take her down fast," Someone shouted and everyone looked over to see Zenobia in her silver armor swinging her black spear slashing and stabbing away the attackers in front of her.

She had Alea and Jin-ah behind her and they supported her with everything they could.

Dodging a fire-covered sword coming from her back Zenobia thrust her spear into the attacker's stomach leaving a deep wound.

"W-why is it not healing?" The attacker was a phoenix and his wounds didn't heal even after he used his flames.

'Looks like this prototype is working properly,' Zenobia looked at the black spear she made along with Queresha.

The spear was engraved with a spatial magic circuit and every wound made by it won't be healed unless one can remove the space magic that has been left in the wound. It was still in the development stage but had a lot of potential.


But before the man could say any further he was hit by an ice spear on his head knocking him out and his body was enclosed in ice making him look like a statue.

Zenobia looked back at Jin-ah who did this and sighed a little.

'She still can't get used to it,' Zenobia got back to fighting since the number of people attacking her increased. Jin-ah has been knocking people out while turning them into ice statues to immobilize them.

Alea wasn't of much help in this and could barely fight one person with Jin-ah's help.

'Haru where are you?' Jin-ah thought while looking at the battle in front of her, it was very scary seeing this but she remembered her talk with Jin-woo before and shook her head.

'No I can't behave like this, I need to do some-RUMBLE*' Jin-ah's thoughts were cut off by the violent shaking of the ground.

"AHHH," Many people fell over aside from the stronger ones the others were thrown into chaos.

It felt like the whole Continent was about to be ripped into pieces.

It took some time before the earthquake calmed down and Jin-ah looked in front to see Alea on the ground, but what happened next made Jin-ah horrified.

"Die you damn bitch," A person was attacking a defenseless Alea from the back the sword was just a little distance away from hitting Alea's neck.

The one who was attacking Alea was none other than the person she froze a little while ago. It looked like he woke up by the heavy rumbles of the ground after the ice around him broke.