To The New World We Go

"What? If you have something to say then do it," Il-hwan frowned at the way Jin-woo and Haru were looking at him.

'There is no way 'he' said that to us,' anyone who saw their face would hear these words loud and clear even if they weren't saying anything.

"That does it you brats, feel my Iron Fist of Love," Il-hwan sprung up to his feet and chased after Jin-woo and Haru trying to hit them but he wasn't able to since the two dodged while running around the terrace.

"Damn you two brats have sure grown up, there was a time when you would tremble in fear under my fist, looks like I am getting too old," Il-hwan sighed heavily before sitting down and munching on chicken with a bottle of Soju.

"Nah you're just slow," Haru said.

"Look at this punk," Il-hwan had an amused smile on his face as Haru just shrugged as if saying 'I ain't wrong,'

After a brief silence between the three, Il-hwan looked at Haru again.

"So you are leaving in two days?" Haru nodded to Il-hwan's words.

"Is it necessary?" Il-hwan asked.

"Why are you asking that? What are you going to miss me? That is unexpected," Haru smiled jokingly.

"You look uneasy, That is the reason I am asking you if it is necessary," Il-hwan said freezing Haru in place.

"Well, it is important," Haru said while scratching his face with a smile.

"I can't believe you thought that no one noticed it," Jin-woo snorted while a smug look.

Haru just shrugged since he was on edge this whole time and hadn't been able to relax much.

"Don't worry I won't let anything happen to Jin-ah if that is what you're worried about," Haru said seriously.

"I know you won't, But what about yourself? You know that being there for your loved ones is much more important than just protecting them," Il-hwan spoke in a sorrowful tone.

After hearing no response for a minute Il-hwan looked up at Haru and Jin-woo.

"You sure this is uncle?" Haru said with suspicion.

"Maybe someone kidnapped him?" Jin-woo had a wary look on his face.

"Damn you Brats," Il-hwan exploded in anger.

After the second game of tag concluded the three sat down again.

"Geez, and here I was serious," Il-hwan was sulking while downing the bottle of Soju.

"No need to worry, I'll keep it in mind," Haru said with a cheerful smile.

"That is better," Il-hwan nodded with a smile.

Jin-woo silently ate while looking at the two, he trusted in Haru enough to know that he won't make a bad decision. But he was worried nonetheless which was why he bought a lot of alcohol and chicken so that he could let his father talk to Haru. Even though Jin-woo was thoughtful he went out of his way to buy soju which Haru didn't like.

'This is what you get for dragging me in your fun, No Wine for you,' Jin-woo snorted.

Il-hwan looked at Haru who was clearly in a great mood, all smiles, and everything.

"Just to be clear I am still against you marrying Jin-ah," Il-hwan spoke in a flat tone.

"….." Haru and Jin-woo looked at each other for a brief period of time and then sighed in relief.

"Looks like it is uncle after all," Haru said.

"Yep it is indeed dad," Jin-woo nodded.

"Why can't you take me seriously Brats," Il-hwan roared in fury and the third game of tag began.

'Soju doesn't taste half-bad today,' Haru thought while drinking a little after Il-hwan calmed down.

The remaining two days went by in a flash and the day of departure arrived.

"I'll definitely beat you up the next time I see you," Jin-woo looked angry while Haru laughed.

The reason for his Anger?

Haru won the bet they made and Jin-woo had to do what Haru told him.

What did Haru ask for?

More JoJo Poses from Jin-woo that the world is going crazy over.

Even most of the clothes worn by Haru were bought by women a win is a win. Jin-woo was furious and said it didn't count but Joo-hee said that most of what they wore was unisex clothing, so he could only suck it up.

"Then let's meet again," Haru gave Jin-woo a thumbs-up before vanishing from his spot.

'Meet again huh? But I'll surely beat you up,' Jin-woo scoffed in his mind but had a small smile on his face.

Everyone was already in the training space and they had brought everything they needed since this trip will be different from before.

Haru appeared in his own house to start the transfer.

[Let's get started,] Kurumi spoke and covered Haru in pink mist.

Haru looked at his status and pressed on the world travel function. Then he vanished from the room and everything flashed by his eyes before he found himself in...

"Did the transfer fail?" Haru muttered while looking around and seeing the same room.

"No it was completed," Kurumi's voice came from Haru's right prompting him to look at her.

"This is something I prepared for you all, so that you guys don't have to face trivial problems," Kurumi waved her tail making a portal from which, Hae-in, Jin-ah, Kanae, Queresha, Zenobia, and Alea walked out from it.

"Looks like we won't need to look for a place at least," Hae-in looked happy.

'I need to look for a bigger place that suits My Lord,' Queresha was making her plans.

The others also looked around the familiar house.

"Alright save your reactions for later and take this, these are all of the documents you guys need to do what you want," Kurumi sent a folder in front of everyone that had everything from their birth certificate to their college majors and it wasn't a fake if someone was to check the records they would be able to find that it was indeed real.

Everything about them was made up the moment they entered this world. But the people in the building know them, and people will even recognize them as classmates that went to the same school or university.

Kurumi tweaked the world in a sense to make sure Haru doesn't face any problems that will distract him from his main goal. Of course, she won't talk about how she did it since it was irrelevant.

Everyone was impressed at what Kurumi did except for one.

"I have to go to Uni," Jin-ah was crying tears of blood since she thought that she could escape from studying.

Everyone ignored her and went through their file to see if anything changed.

"You guys have half an hour to unpack your stuff, do it quickly," Kurumi urged the others who listened to her and quickly set aside the files for now getting busy with their luggage.

Haru picked up Kurumi and sat down on the sofa after everyone scattered to their own room.

"Is this world under observation?" Haru asked.

"Yes but the ones observing now aren't strong but they will come eventually, which is also the reason I have to do such annoying stuff, Things would be a bit troublesome if someone catches a whiff of your entrance it would cause a huge storm," Kurumi mused feeling Haru pat her head gently.

"What would I do without you," Haru said.

"That is right I am the best, I deserve all the head pats," Kurumi looked super smug and Haru only chuckled.

"Though I'll ask again if you really want to do it this way?" Kurumi asked curiously.

"Yes you can never be too sure about things, say if a 100-story building suddenly appears out of nowhere in the middle of the town, it will surely attract attention but no one would be suspicious if they see it being built from the ground up," Kurumi nodded to Haru's words she was a bit dissatisfied and it might even be the worst possible choice that will put Haru is danger but she knew that Haru didn't make this choice half-heartedly.

He has been thinking about it for a while and finally, he chose what he should do.

"Alright this is all, I'll do as you asked I won't interfere further," Kurumi looked at Haru and entered his mindscape. The two didn't need to exchange words and understood each other.

Haru walked up to the wall and punched it, normally the punch would have destroyed the wall and everything in the range of 2000 km in that direction. But it didn't do anything to the wall.

'Let's do our best,' Haru shook his head and went to help others unpack things so that they could do things faster.

It took them a good 20 minutes to get their things out of the inventory.

And now everyone was in the dining room to eat some lunch.

"Zenobia, did you get used to the electronics?" Haru asked.

"Yes, Queresha taught me everything I needed to know," Zenobia was on a tour around Seoul with Queresha for a week when they were in Jin-woo's world so that Zenobia can know how things work.

"What about you Alea?" Haru looked at Alea who had human ears, It was another thing that Kurumi did.

"Oh, Fo-Sizzle,"

Silence dominated the room.