
"Oh Fo-Sizzle," Haru looked at Jin-ah after hearing Alea's words.

Jin-ah looked away sweating trying to hide.

"No Anime and games for a month," Jin-ah looked like her soul left her body when she heard Haru.

"Queresha, can you take care of Alea?" Haru asked.

"No Problem My Lord," Queresha agreed and Alea didn't intervene since she didn't know what was wrong but since Haru told her to learn from Queresha she'd do it.

And like their normal, albeit chaotic life in a new world started.


"Shit," That was all a woman with black hair could mutter as she pushed herself off the ground.

The woman looked around but only found herself in a flat barren land filled with rubble with no one in sight. It wasn't that she was dropped here alone.

'Where is everyone?' The woman thought while looking around, Her companions the people who have been through hell with her vanished like nothing.

The army she had gathered which consisted of the strongest beings in this universe, was gone. Not even a trace of them remained.

The woman gritting her teeth looked up to the cause of all this.

Striking Red Hair that reached his feet, left untied ruffling in the air. Wearing an orange Yukata with a white haori, standing on top of a giant three-legged crow that had golden eyes looking down at her.

The person in question came down from the crow and was hovering in front of her not even letting his feet touch the ground.

"Why?" The woman asked.

"Hmm?" The red-haired man tilted his head at the question.

"Why are you doing this?" the woman question with her filled with anger. She knew the person in front of her. He was someone she trusted, someone who had been with her through difficult times. That was the reason she was angry.

How? Why? Why would he do this? Why would he kill the people he saved?

"Cause I felt like it,"

The woman looked up dumbfounded at what she had just heard. She had too many words to say but her mouth didn't move because she looked at the man's face.

The face that once had an angelic smile had a smile that would even make the vilest of the devils tremble in fear.

"Didn't I say tell you the first day I met you?" The man said bringing the woman down memory lane.

'I helped you 'cause I felt like it,' those were the words the man uttered to her.

"So it is only natural that I destroy you when I feel like doing so, doesn't it?" The man stated this like it was a matter of fact.

"Anyhow I quite enjoyed my time here, Seeing you all try so hard was definitely fun, You know what is more fun than crushing something people hold dear?" The man asked with an innocent smile but the woman didn't say anything or more like she couldn't.

"You're no fun, Ok I'll tell you, Helping them achieve what they want and then tear it all down in front of them~, It makes all the wait and hard work worth it~~," The Man licked his lips like he just had a delicious meal.

"Then since I have more matters to attend Die, Okay~~," The spoke in a cheerful tone as he moved his hand in front of him.

The woman understood that the man in front of her was just trying to toy with her, No it would be appropriate to say that he has been doing it since they met. Even the way he kept her alive.


With a loud ear-deafening sound everything was painted white.

"AAh! Hah* hah* hah* God damn it, Why did I set something like a bomb explosion for my alarm tone," In a big bedroom a Woman woke up because of the sound of her alarm.

"I am again on the desk huh? It has been a while," The woman muttered as she pushed herself off the chair and stood up.

It started when she was 13 years old, pretty much every day she would find herself in different places around her house mostly on the desk with her P.C turned on. She thought it was sleepwalking and had seen some doctors but it didn't seem to help.

Once when she was 15 years old she found herself sitting in a P.C café, it was a weird day for her since she couldn't understand how she reached there in broad daylight.

Along with the sleepwalking problem came the weird dream. She always saw this red-haired man but was never able to make out his face or what he said, it was like she was supposed to know him.

These dreams appeared very scarcely and she would even forget about them in a few days but the image of that red-haired man didn't go away. Even if she calls him a man she doesn't know what he is since he has long hair and she can't see his face.

Anyway, it has been over a decade since this problem started and she had long stopped paying attention to it.

Suddenly the woman's phone rang alerting her of a message.


"Who is it?" The woman picked up the phone and opened the messenger app with annoyance.

-Do you remember the blind date I talked about?

-It is today, Although I wasn't able to fix it with this hottie I saw since he looked like he was in a relationship, I was able to score you a pretty good guy, so give it your best shot~~~~

"Ah! Not again," the woman groaned in irritation but she had to go since her friend pleaded with her many times. This friend of hers really liked setting up blind dates for her.

"Let's see, a cheap-looking white t-shirt with washed-up jeans and white shoes, Yup I am doing my best," The woman said in a monotone voice before she went into the bathroom.

Splashing her face with cold water to wash away her sleepiness. After brushing her teeth and taking a shower the woman looked in the mirror.

The woman has a petite, thin, and nicely proportioned body. She has a small face with sharp canines and white skin. Her eyes are large with their corners angled upwards, with a beauty mark underneath one eye. Her hair is short and fine, black in color, and just reaches her shoulders.

"Well I can see why I can get so many blind dates even after they know I am a writer," The woman smiled giving a nod to her own looks, if photos were anything to go by she was a really beautiful individual.

"Hello my name is Han Sooyoung and I am a Writer~," The woman introduced herself to her date who looked like a well-off man in his early twenties. With an expensive watch on his wrist and the keys to a foreign car on the table.

'Is he trying to show off?' Han Soo-young thought as she sat down on the seat in the café.

'Anyway let's get this over with, should I set a new record at the shortest blind date?' Han Soo-young thought to herself.

But she had been through these blind dates many times and every single one of them ended the same. The only reason she even bothered to come was in hope of finding something interesting.

"As I thought it was a waste of time, it would've been better if I stayed home writing some chapters," Han Soo-young was frowning as she walked on her way back to the parking space twirling her finger that had the keys to the newest model of porshe which was four times more expensive than the car her date was trying to show off with.

'To think he would flaunt making 100,000,000 won annually, I make twice as that in a month after taxes,' Han soo-young was irritated. But because she introduced herself as a writer people didn't take her seriously.

And the reason for her irritation wasn't because of the blind date, No she didn't have any expectation from it in the first place. The reason for it was envy.