Dok-ja is Alive?

"You know that gifts can only be given by constellations who are supporting you, and since you have a katana it is very simple to know where your supporting constellation is from," The man said while folding his arms, this was just a shot in the dark with half-truths to see if Haru will fall for it.

But the man was sure he would, given Haru's actions, he didn't seem like one to think things through and had a very animated personality.

The only constellations who would pay an astronomic price to send an item to the incarnation this early into the scenarios would be the supporting constellation that value their incarnation potential or those who need their incarnations to live no matter what for their own purposes.

'That sword has a strong air about it, so it should've cost the sender a fair deal of coins. But this is also a double-edged sword here,' The man had heard Haru's name before when their group was leaving, If Haru's supporting constellation was really Japanese and it gets out, Haru's life will be in danger.

Just imagine a Japanese guy with a Japanese supporting constellation right in the middle of Seoul where the moral compass has gone haywire with people in despair.

And people in despair only seek one thing to do.

'That is inflict far greater despair onto others which will make their miserable situation seem better than others who they've made suffer, And this guy has a golden target on his back right now. I am sure his supporting constellation knows it as well and as sharp he is, he should know it as well,' The man thought while looking at Haru who seemed to be thinking something.

Well, it made sense since this was a serious issue, according to the man's theory Haru most likely should've died in the train in the previous rounds because given his personality he surely would've tried to calm down the crowd and then said his name which would've made him the no.1 target to kill. But he seemed to have survived in this round because of the abnormality Kim Dok-ja.

'I was never really interested in what happened inside the other carriages, But it is fully possible knowing how the many Koreans were killed in Tokyo dome just for them being Korean and it was the same in Korea where Japanese were targeted, This guy's constellation is at the very least a fable-grade constellation or it can only be higher since they intervened in the scenario, So if I just help him a little, not only do I get a possibly strong incarnation on my side but also gain a favor of a strong constellation in the Takamagahara Nebulae,' The man thought because Haru looked like someone who won't forget someone's goodwill. He was sharp, yes, but he was also kind given he left him and Nam-woon alive both of who have tried to kill him.

[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is watching the scene intently.]

[200 coins have been sponsored]

[The constellation 'Noble Child of The Sun' is worried about your safety.]

But what Haru asked him was something totally different.

"So you also have a supporting Constellation?"

'So you are trying to wriggle your way out of it, as expected you're naïve,' The man thought since the way Haru asked the question while looking at his sword, giving out your constellations info can be fatal since it also puts out your weakness on the table.

"No I do not have one, I had this sword on me from the start," The man said.

"..." Haru looked at the man without knowing what to say.

"...Why are you looking at me like I am weird?" The man was irritated by the stare and asked.

"No, No, weird ain't enough to describe someone like you, you are practically off the deep end, who carries a cold weapon that sharp on a normal day?" Haru said while moving away.

"Yeah, what the hell dude," Nam-woon's face was also laced with disgust as he moved back.

'You're the last person I want to hear that from, Your personal attribute is chunnibyou,' The man didn't say anything but it was all written on his face.

"It is a gift," Haru said seeing that the man was about to blow his top.

'He isn't lying but he doesn't seem like he wants to answer, might be his supporting constellation,' The man confirmed that Haru was telling the truth with his lie detection skill and started to think.

"Also Nam-woon you aren't any better, you were carrying a knife with you," Haru said.

"No, No, Ahjussi 'this' and 'that' are different things," Nam-woon shook his head in objection.

"We'll do this later because now we need to take this food to everyone," Haru dropped the matter and looked at the man.

"So, was that all you wanted to talk about?" Haru asked the man.

'There is no way he figured it out, I didn't even talk about it nor did I give any hints,' The man was having many different things but he decided to suppress them.

"I still have something to say," The man was about to continue but…

"If you have to apologize do it later,"

'I wasn't about to apologize,' The man had veins appeared on his forehead as he saw Haru take back the bags from Nam-woon.

"Let's go to the group first they might be worried, You can apologize there," Haru said to the man as he started walking.

The man was tempted to cut Haru down right then and there but he controlled himself as he followed along with a smirking Nam-woon who seemed to be having fun.

It didn't take long before they reached the group.

"Haru-ssi, you're back," Hyun-sung said as he stood up and walked over seeing the smiling Haru come back.

"In one piece, got food as well," Haru smiled brightly as he sat down beside Queresha setting the bags down. The others who were nervous up until now felt relieved at seeing him back without any injuries.

Haru had a fruitful outing just now, he has familiarized himself with the surrounding area knowing the good spots to look for food and other necessities, he also found out some things about the constellations and about this super-super premium Twitch thanks to the man along with the constellations help.

"I'm glad you're okay Haru-ssi," Sang-ah said with a smile as the old lady also looked relieved. Gil-young stayed silent while Myung-oh didn't look happy at all.

"Thank you, but where did the people go?" Haru asked while looking at the empty platform.

"There is a group that is handing out food near Exit no. 3," Hyun-sung said since they heard some people come over and told them to gather. The rest went but didn't.

"We were waiting for Haru-ssi to come back," Sang-ah said as the others agreed. They would've been calmer but everyone was wary since the man who tried to kill Haru before was here.

"I thought Nam-woon went there to get something to eat," Queresha said while looking at Nam-woon who has been gone since Haru left.

"Why would I go there? I went for a walk," Nam-woon said.

"Yes, he was waiting for me by the exit," Haru said.

"Hey, I told you I went for a walk, I just happened to be there when you came," Nam-woon's eyes twitched since Haru didn't seem to be listening to him at all.

"Also didn't you have something to apologize for?" Haru said while looking at the man.

"You should learn how to listen to people," The man said.

"Yeah, Tell him," Nam-woon cheered in the background.

"Also what is your name?" Haru asked like he had remembered something he had forgotten previously.

"...Yoo Jung-hyeok," The man said with an irritated look since Haru still wasn't listening to him.

"So, what did you have to say?" Haru asked.

"I am not apologizing," Jung-Hyeok refused on reflex.

"But I didn't say you were, You really do want to apologize don't you? What are you a Tsundere?" Haru tilted his head.

'I'll get nowhere with this guy,' Jung-hyeok's eyebrows twitched as he decided to ignore Haru and said what he wanted to.

"Kim Dok-ja will come back alive, probably," Jung-hyeok said while looking at everyone.

"W-what?" Sang-ah spoke in surprise as Hyun-sung was shocked but the loudest reaction was from Gil-young.

"Really? Hyung is alive?" He hadn't spoken much since the start and kept to himself but as soon as Dok-ja was mentioned he became enthusiastic much more than his normal blank expression.

"You don't look surprised," Jung-hyeok looked at Haru who didn't look surprised at all.