A Gang?

"You don't look surprised," Jung-hyeok looked at Haru who didn't look surprised at all.

"How Haru-ssi? Dok-ja-ssi failed the scenario," Hyun-sung asked he was confused since he didn't know how this made sense. The people who failed the scenario died before so how can one live? He surely didn't want to complain but it didn't add up.

"Because it was never mentioned that if one fails the second scenario they will die like it was done in the first one, that is the reason I had a hunch that there is a strong chance of Dok-ja-ssi coming back but I didn't say it since on the off chance he couldn't…" Haru paused as he looked at Gil-young who was full of smiles making Sang-ah and Hyun-sung understand. Haru didn't want to give false hope to Gil-young who got attached to Dok-ja because that would hurt the kid even more.

[The Constellation 'Demonic judge of Fire' is happy with your thoughtfulness.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

"So does that mean Dok-ja-ssi will come back?" Sang-ah asked.

"I think so," Haru nodded.

"Thank god," Sang-ah said and Hyun-sung also looked relieved while Nam-woon and Queresha didn't really care. But Myung-oh's face was twisted at this moment.

"Alright let's eat first, then we'll talk about other things, I found some lunch boxes they aren't poisoned I tested them, so you can eat them without problem," Haru said as he pointed at the bags. Everyone nodded they were pretty hungry right now and took out the food from the bags.

The lunchbox was a simple one with white rice, spicy fried chicken with some Kimchi along with some sliced egg rolls. But this was all that they needed at the moment. Everyone took one while Nam-woon took two alongside a few gimbaps.

"You don't want any?" Haru asked Jung-hyeok.

"…No," Jung-hyeok said curtly as he looked towards the people coming towards them from the direction of Exit No 3.

"It looks like the people are coming back, They only have two packets of biscuits in hand, Pathetic," Nam-woon scoffed with his mouth full of food.

"Someone is overlooking the food distribution," Haru muttered while looking at everyone, sang-ah did mention someone distributing food before.

"It is monitored by the Cheol-du gang they are the ones who emptied the items in the shops on the station," Queresha said making her group look at her, they didn't know when she found this out.

"I asked about it to a woman when I went to the toilet earlier," Queresha said making the Sang-ah realize that after Haru left to get food Queresha went to the toilet for a brief moment, the group thought that she needed some alone time because someone she is close with went out to possible death, But it looked like they were wrong.

Haru looked at Jung-hyeok and saw he seemed to be waiting for something, well he himself was the same since he saw two guys run back towards exit 3 earlier.

Sang-ah and Hyun-sung didn't have time to say anything since the people that were coming onto the platform saw them eating and they were dumbfounded by the sight.

"H-Hey, Why Do they have Lunchboxes?"

"T-There is No way, we were told that we needed to eat less,"

"Did they steal it?"

The people murmured while looking at Haru and the group making most of them uncomfortable. Nam-woon clicked his tongue but he was still eating, Queresha and Gil-young didn't give a damn about others and continued to eat as well.

People were gathering around Haru's group looking at them like people do to animals at a zoo, but they didn't move any further since Nam-woon's nasty glare kept them at bay. The guy was looking at them like he'll slice them apart if they came closer.

"Resha did you find anything about the leader of this Gang?" Haru asked Queresha who was about to answer but a commotion broke out.

"Hey step aside fuckers," A man roared at the back of the crowd and moved forward while the people moved to the side making way.

"Isn't that Bang Cheol-soo from the Cheol-du gang?"

"So did they really steal?"

"Seems so,"

"Aren't they fucked?"

Haru saw a group of five people walking towards them while the people murmured. The man leading them seemed to be named Bang Cheol-soo and he looked in his mid-thirties wearing a suit without a tie. He walked with an aggressive gait with a frown trying to look tough.

"Did you steal our fucking food, Huh?" Cheol-soo shouted while looking at the lunchboxes and the bags from which one can see packets of food items.

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is watching the situation with shining eyes.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' isn't pleased with the situation.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child of The Sun' is blazing with anger.]

[300 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Desserts for Days' is displeased that he had run out of ice cream.]

'….Why are you talking about something that is unrelated to the matter?' Haru decided that he will ignore this guy in the future.

"You've got some balls ignoring me," Cheol-soo said as veins appeared on his forehead.

'...How did I forget this guy was in front of me?' Haru thought as he looked at Cheol-soo who was fuming.

"It doesn't fucking matter we are taking the food," Cheol-soo spat as he moved his hand towards the bag near Haru.

Nam-woon already had the knife in his hand and was about to stand up to stab Cheol-soo, but he was a step too late.


"Now you react, huh fucker?" Cheol-soo grinned as he felt the cold steel on his neck, he looked at Haru who was holding the katana.

"Hands off," Haru said flatly as Cheol-soo stood up with the katana's tip at his neck looking at Haru.

"You don't know who I am, do you? Because if you did you wouldn't have done this," Cheol-soo said while leaning forward. The people around started to move back as Cheol-soo's entourage took out knives and bats while grinning.

Even then Haru didn't bat an eye and his katana didn't shake from Cheol-soo's neck rather it moved forward.

"Hmm? Are you sure you want to go against us? We are the ones in control of this place it would be bad if something happens to your companions, don't you think?" Cheol-soo said while looking at Queresha and Sang-ah making the latter a little scared.

[Incarnation 'Bang Cheol-soo' has used the skill 'Bluff Lv. 2']

'This should be enough to scare him off, he is just acting tough,' Cheol-soo grinned while looking at Haru's clothes which looked expensive thinking he would be easy prey but it soon froze when he looked at Haru's eyes.

To the people in the back, it might seem the situation was at a stalemate with neither side backing down, but a few people thought differently.

"…" Haru stared death into Cheol-soo's eyes looking at the latter from above because his height gave off an intimidating feeling.

'That is inefficient,' Jung-hyeok thought.

'Look at that bitch, he was talking so big now his legs are shaking, lol,' Nam-woon ate his food while looking at the scene like he was watching some drama.

Just when it looked like Cheol-soo was about to move back a voice resounded.

"Oh My, What is happening here?" following the voice people saw a man with brown hair with slanted eyes wearing a black turtleneck and grey pants walking over with a small smile on his face.

"Y-Your lucky," Cheol-soo said as he moved back and went towards the man who just came but Haru could see his back wet with sweat as his fingertips trembled.

"Boss that guy stole the food we were safekeeping for everyone," Cheol-soo said to the man that just came.

"Are you the ones who keep an eye on the food distribution?" Haru asked as he sheathed his katana.

"Yes that is correct, My name is Cheon In-Ho and our group with the support of the people took over handing out food equally to everyone," In-ho said with a smile on his face.

"I see then, I have a question for you," Haru nodded while saying.

"Please go on, I am here to help people after all," In-ho said while looking at Haru.

"How bad is your security?" Haru asked.

'….huh?' In-ho's eyes opened as he looked dumbfounded.

The people around them were also shocked.

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is looking at the scene with approval.]



Also, Powerstones Gimme.