Will You Join Our Group?

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is looking at the scene with approval.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

"W-What do you mean by that?" In-ho who seemed to regain his bearings asked.

"No, I mean when the people saw food in someone else's hand their first thought was 'Is it stolen?', Even your own subordinate seemed to think the same. So, I thought it might've happened a few times for it to become the only conclusion for them to arrive at. And it seemed like you were having a shortage of people to keep a proper eye on the storage, That is why I asked," Haru said with a harmless smile.

"...Has it happened before?"

"No, it makes sense right?"

"Will the food be safe with them?"

"What if people keep on stealing it?"

The people in the surroundings started to murmur among themselves which made Cheol-soo and his group panic a little.

'This guy….was that intentional?' In-ho thought while looking at Haru who seemed to look harmless with his smile and it seemed like his words were spoken out of consideration.

"No, there hasn't been anything of that sort, most of our men patrol the area where the food is kept with additional guards so you don't need to worry about that," In-ho told Haru with a smile but his words clearly weren't for Haru but rather the surrounding people.

'I have just gotten control over the people here, I can't let it slip away,' In-ho thought as he looked at Haru.

The people in the surroundings calmed down to a certain extent and In-ho spoke again.

"It looks like my subordinate has caused you trouble, I am deeply sorry for that," In-ho bowed his head while pushing down Cheol-soo's head as well, of course, it was all for show so that the mob can see them.

"I understand it isn't a big deal. 'Helping' people is hard after all," Haru said while waving his hand as in-ho stood back straight his eyes went towards the plastic bags that were full of food.

"I thank you for your kind gesture, Though I am curious where you got the food from, because even with the food we've gathered from the two small shops here, we are still short on food right now, it might be ok for now but with the number of people we'll run out soon," In-ho said with a worried look on his face, even though he talked about the food running out he never specified how much was in the stock and only quantified with saying it was the sum of two small shops.

"I got them from a convenience store outside," Haru said and the area around them was silent with people shaking at the thought.

'Yup that is the normal reaction,' Haru's group thought as they saw the people gulping at the mention of outside.

"Now that I look at the bags they do have the 7/11 logo on them, they surely are from the outside but isn't that reckless, you could've waited for a bit since we were about to distribute the food after sorting out a few things," In-ho said while looking at Haru.

"I am quite strong if do say so myself, Also I went out very quickly so I didn't know there was someone distributing food," Haru had a smug look on his face while talking.

[The Constellation 'Secretive plotter' is scoffing at your obvious tricks.]

[50 coins have been sponsored.]

''Is this guy an idiot? I think he got lucky to find a store nearby, wait, that can be useful,' That is what he is thinking right now,' Haru thought while looking at In-ho who seemed to have finished his thoughts.

"I definitely heard someone going out from exit 2 while I was working before, now it seems to add up," In-ho said while tapping his chin then he looked up, he didn't doubt Haru's claim to be strong with how quick he was with his sword and the evidence that Cheol-soo was trembling in his boots showed the latter had an intimidating presence.

"Is there a shop nearby exit no 2? Because it will help the people here tremendously if there is one," In-ho said.

"Yes there is one nearby, it is like 700 meters down the road when you exit," Haru said with a smile and In-ho froze in place.

'How is that nearby with monsters roaming about the area? We don't know what type of monsters are outside aside from the wolves and even those were hard to deal with more than half of the people died while coming to the station, We'll be ripped apart before we even reach the shop let alone coming back and there is that fog to boot which was slowing everyone down,' In-ho thought seriously as he looked at Haru.

"Are you planning on going outside?" Haru asked.

"Well, we will have to do that eventually since the food won't last, there are still people coming into the station and we can't have them starving," In-ho said with a worried look on his face but his voice was a bit higher than before so that the people around them can hear it.

'So you need to fatten up the pigs, is that what you mean? Gotcha,' Haru thought as he nodded his head, to others it might seem that he was moved by In-ho's concern like the group of people around them were.

"If so, you should be careful, there are smaller wolves and then there is this big one that is like super fast, there are also many big monsters that are the size of a house, I saw this big praying mantis slash a five-story building in half," Haru said with a serious look and even though he didn't raise his voice everyone around them clearly heard it.

In-ho's confirmation that Haru went out along with the bags of food he brought along gave his words more credibility and the people started to panic. Most of them have seen the smaller wolves while they were running back but they didn't know much about the other monsters.


"A-Aren't we done for?"

"Oh God, Are we going to starve? We can't face something like that,"

The whispers grew louder as everyone got more and more anxious over the situation. In-ho frowned looking at the panic that has spread and he couldn't help but click his tongue inwardly.

"Thank you for the information, I am really grateful for that," In-ho thanked Haru even though he was cursing him on the inside since now the people would be more fearful of going outside which would be bad for his plans.

Although he had his doubts that Haru did this on purpose but looking at the latter….

'To think he would give out information that easily, he seems like a pushover, well that just makes things easier for me, I only need one thing to calm the people and get them to go out,' In-ho thought as he planned his next move.

"Can I ask you something?" In-ho asked as the surroundings started to quieten down as Haru nodded.

"As someone who has been outside and knows its dangers, It would be really helpful if you could join our group, It would help save many lives and we will be able to help the people, So please would you consider it," In-ho spoke with a serious look as he lowered his head.

'He will surely agree, such lines work perfectly on pushovers like these,' In-ho thought because he used his words carefully to appeal to Haru who seemed like a goody two shoes. He couldn't help but grin at the thought of having Haru as a subordinate.

Even though In-ho knew that a goody two shoes like Haru would cause problems if he saw them carrying out certain plans, it would be troublesome but it was easy to avoid that.

'I'll have to keep him in the dark about things which would be very easy,' In-ho's grin widened.

The surrounding people were also silent and watched with bated breath since it would affect them as well. And they wanted Haru to accept because it would make their life easier and they won't need to starve. This is the type of creature humans are.

[Many Constellations are waiting for your answer.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]


