Outside The Station

'These two know how to play the game,' Hee-won thought while looking at the two smiling men.

"Then we'll take our leave," Saying that In-ho and his group walked away going towards their own base which was near the end of the platform.

"In-ho-ssi wouldn't it better to attack them right now? What if that woman dies outside we'll lose out, it would surely be a big waste," Cheol-soo said with a grin, the goons on his side also grinned while one of them was drooling.

"No from the information our dear friend Myung-oh has provided Haru won't let that woman die, she is his lover after all, right Myung-oh?" In-ho said as he looked at Myung-oh.

"Yes, Yes, it was no secret in the company that they were going out, many employees have even seen them outside of the company going on dates and stuff," Myung-oh said quickly, he wanted to solidify his position in this group and for that, he needed to bring out all of the information he had on Haru. It didn't matter if it was the truth or just a baseless rumor he dug it all out, he was the source for nearly 70 % of the bad rumors surrounding Haru in Mino-soft.

"They will be at their weakest when they come back, if they are overly wounded we will finish them and take that woman, A person who can heal injuries will be very useful right now, Also I don't care what you do with her as long as it doesn't affect her work," In-ho said while looking at Cheol-soo who grinned widely. They knew of the skill Haru talked about and they knew about the limitations or what Haru made up.

"Should we take the things from the locker as well? it will be useful for us," Cheol-soo said as he was tempted to do that right now.

"...No, it will eventually be ours anyway," In-ho said with a serious tone to insinuate his point to others.

'That smile from before, It was almost like he was asking me to open it, No it seemed he was certain I would….Did he set up a trap? Does he know my plan?' In-ho thought while remembering Haru's smile. In his eyes, Haru was smart and useful. He wouldn't mind having him as a subordinate but Haru didn't seem to want that.

'Even if you are smart, you are just a normal man. you can't do something against people who have lived that type of life, you are just a pretender running around like a clown. I have all of your weaknesses,' In-ho thought while sitting down on a chair as he looked at Myung-ho. In-ho remembered how Haru prepared with masks and crowbars to go outside. The more preparations he made the more likely it was that Haru wasn't capable of handling the outside with his group tagging along. On the of chance Haru is strong enough there is still his group just consists of normal people who aren't anything but a burden. They are sure to slow him down and in the worst case get him heavily injured or fully exhausted.

"Cheol-soo go and look at the locker don't touch it just observe it then come back, tell me what you see," In-ho said and Cheol-soo did as he was told.

After hearing what Cheol-soo found out In-ho had a headache rising.

"So did you set up a trap in the locker?" Hee-won asked Haru as they walked out of the exit.

"Nope, in fact, I didn't even put a lock on it," Haru said without batting an eye.

"What?" Hee-won was shocked and even the group was flabbergasted.

What do mean you didn't put the lock on our reserves? Are you alright?

"Don't worry no one will steal our things in the locker," Haru said reassuring the group.

"How are you so sure?" Hee-won asked with twitching eyebrows as they climbed the stairs.

"In-ho will guard it as he promised," Haru said with a laugh confusing everyone.

Why would he? Is he a nice guy? He doesn't seem so. What the hell is going on? Why do you trust him all of a sudden? He was clearly wearing the turtleneck earlier.

Nam-woon was laughing while Queresha shook her head.

'Of course, you don't understand it was planned by him after all, the words spoken between them, the actions taken by both sides, Myung-oh changing sides, everything was planned, it was planned from the start,' Queresha thought happily, but she was also a bit dissatisfied that the others weren't smart enough to bask in the glory.

Even though the others had many questions they didn't get the chance because they saw the outside and their mouths stopped moving altogether.

With purple poisonous fog hanging in the air, cars crashed all over the roads and the nearby buildings burning with occasional explosions. Fires erupted from the different apartment and office buildings with a dark sky that did not even let a single ray of light pass through.

And only after looking at the road did they finally understand why Haru told them to eat less.

"Gil-young don't look," Sang-ah covered Gil-young's eyes with her hands since she didn't want the young kid to see what was in front of them.

"....I am glad I didn't eat much," Hee-won said while taking deep breaths as she felt her stomach churn as Sang-ah closed her eyes unable to look ahead.

Human corpses strewn on the ground like garbage, innards spilled out of their cut open belly, heads smashed in on the floor with brain matter splattered all over, bodies with missing halves, bodies that looked like they were half eaten by monsters with their cracked skeleton revealed as the flesh was torn apart and the blood painting the street.

"Haru-ssi wouldn't it be better to leave Gil-young at the station," Hyun-sung finally said the thing that was eating away at him.

"I asked about it before leaving, if someone wanted to stay behind they can, Gil-young surely doesn't want to," Haru said.

"I can handle it, I want to help," Gil-young said as he moved Sang-ah's hands away even though she didn't want to but she could see the kid was serious.

"But…." Hyun-sung's voice died down as he wanted to say more but he stopped.

"If you wanted to say that Gil-young can't help then look at this," Haru said while signaling at Gil-young.

"Why are there roaches in his hair?" Hee-won asked as she saw two roaches jump down from Gil-young's head and go down the road turning into the alleyway.

"The first alleyway is clear no monsters, See I can be helpful," Gil-young said plainly while looking at Hyun-sung and Sang-ah who could only nod since it looked like persuasion wouldn't help.

"It is his skill, he showed it to me this morning and said he'll help, and the kid just doesn't know when to back down," Haru said with a sigh, this made Sang-ah, Hee-won, and Hyun-sung understand that it happened while they were sleeping. And it also looked like Haru tried to convince Gil-young to not come with them but it didn't work.

"Good going kid, let's do our best," Hee-won said with a small smile, she believed that sticking to the previous notions like women and kids are weak wouldn't be correct anymore since fantasy has been involved now. All things considered, Gil-young's ability is the second most important ability in the group currently.

They can use it, scout, a bit further, and know if monsters are lying in an ambush, this helps them a whole lot combined with Haru's ability. it also limits the instances Haru needs to use his ability which is what they wanted.

Hyun-sung and Sang-ah also understood this after seeing the skill in action. But Sang-ah still felt it was too cruel for the kid to see such things. She felt helpless since everything she had learned to this day didn't help her in the current situation, she found herself at a loss where worrying was all she could do.

"Before we go, I want to ask you something Haru," Hee-won said and Haru nodded.

"Was it the same here last night?" Hee-won asked while looking around at the corpses, she wanted to know if these people could be saved.

This question did pass through everyone's mind as well, but none of them asked. Only Hee-won asked it since she wanted to know.

"Do you want the truth or the lie?" Haru's perplexed everyone since they didn't understand it.

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"The truth of course," Hee-won said like it was a matter of fact, a lie won't do anything in the current situation.

"It is good that you can step on the ground now," Haru said while turning around leaving the group a bit speechless.

Aside from Queresha, everyone looked at the somewhat red ground and then at the corpses. The words Haru said left them without any response as they saw his shoes and pants. They can see red spots on them which were likely from the blood he got on them last night when he came out. They didn't notice it before but not that they did, it was hard to unsee it.