A Week

Aside from Queresha, everyone looked at the somewhat red ground and then at the corpses. The words Haru said left them without any response as they saw his shoes and pants. They can see red spots on them which were likely from the blood he got on them last night when he came out. They didn't notice it before but not that they did, it was hard to unsee it.

Everyone could only imagine what his reaction would've been when he saw the scene, he had to step on the corpses of others to get the food it surely left a deep impression on them since they could only think about how hard it must've been for him.

"You guys coming or No?" Haru asked since no one was moving.

"No, let's go," Hee-won shook her head and walked forward right next to Haru after tying her hair in a bun.

Sang-ah took a deep breath holding the crowbar tightly she stood near Queresha and Gil-young who would be in the middle with Hyun-sung and Nam-woon at the back.

They had discussed this formation before coming out and now they have applied it ready to move forward.

The group went forward at a steady pace with Gil-young checking the alleys and roads to make sure there weren't any monsters but the frontline which was Haru and Hee-won, they stayed alert just in case.

The group walked down the road seeing more and more corpses, ones in worst condition than before, there were monsters dead bodies along with the human ones, but they didn't lose in the grotesqueness since they were also ripped apart and cut to pieces presumably by stronger monsters.

"Hey Haru," Hee-won called out and Haru looked at her.

"Isn't that four eyes changing sides bad," Hee-won asked.

"Why is it bad?" Haru asked.

"I mean, he knows about your ability, and also what if he tells them about Queresha's ability, I am sure they will come for her, it is just a speculation," Hee-won said since she also knew of Queresha's healing skill.

"You don't need to worry about that, I won't let something happen to her," Haru spoke with a smile.

"How romantic," Hee-won rolled her eyes but she still had more to say.

"I'll help you in case they do something,"

"Really? Why?" Haru asked.

"Because I am part of the group as well, am I not? I'll do my all to help my team members," Hee-won said with a smile.

"And you'll need help, even if you have a powerful skill, it still has its limitations, having allies will be very helpful," Hee-won pointed out but the merry mood was interrupted.

"Three wolves from the right alley in the front and three from the left," Gil-young said and everyone got alert.


Seeing that their ambush failed the wolves jumped out of hiding and charged at the group. From their haphazard movements, they didn't seem to have a leader.

"I'm taking the ones on the left," Nam-woon spoke with a grin as he moved with Hyun-sung being a beat behind him, he didn't move recklessly like last time since he learned his lesson.

"Haru let's get ready I'll take on the right one, The last one is quite far from the first two so let's finish the two in front before the last one arrives," Hee-won said as she gripped the crowbar tightly ready to attack the first one.

"Hee-won how many times do you think I used my skill out here last night?" Haru asked.

"I don't think now is the time for that, the wolves are closing in draw your sword quickly," Hee-won said while seeing that Haru didn't even take out the katana on his waist.

"Well, I only used my skill on the mantis," Haru didn't move even when the wolf was only arm's length away from him.

"Not the time," Hee-won shouted as she moved trying to attack the wolf that was about to bite Haru. The others didn't understand what was happening, Sang-ah tried to reach Haru wanting to help as she noticed him not moving if it stayed like this he would surely be attacked, but it seemed like things didn't go as they thought.


Haru's left hand struck the wolf before any of them could react and with the sound of glass cracking the wolf's head exploded into bits flying into the air with its body falling on the ground lifeless.

"W-Wha-?" Hee-won was left wide-eyed at the spectacle in front of her, so much so that she forgot about the wolf heading towards her.

'Shit,' Hee-won cursed as she won't be able to react.

Haru grabbed the wolf heading for Hee-won by its fur and put it in the way of the third wolf who wanted to bite his head.


But to the wolf's bad luck it only found the neck of its fellow pack member in its mouth killing the wolf in the process.

"It is no time to be standing around right?" Haru slammed the last wolf on the ground in front of Hee-won.


"And whose fault do you think that is? you show off," Hee-won scoffed as she hit the sharp end of the crowbar right on the dome of the wolf killing it in one strike.

"Ah look out one got through," Hyun-sung said in a panic as one of the wolves went past him as his eyes shifted to look toward Haru. Nam-woon was fighting one of the wolves pretty nicely he was more cautious than last time, but it also created an opening since he became a bit too careful.

"Oh No," Sang-ah got nervous as she turned around to see the wolf heading for Queresha and Gil-young. She knew her mistake of leaving their side as she was supposed to be helping the two. she was about 6 meters away from the two and the wolf was just in front of the duo.

'Now isn't the time for that I have to do something,' Sang-ah thought quickly as she couldn't reach them in time she used the most optimal yet risky option.


As the wolf was just a few feet away from Queresha and Gil-young Sang-ah threw her crowbar which with skill or pure luck hit the wolf square on the head knocking it off its feet.

The wolf wobbled trying to stand up, but it was struggling and this was only half of the work done. Sang-ah was about to run forward to hit the wolf again but.

"[Fire Bolt]" Queresha shot a bolt of fire that landed on the wolf's forehead and came out of the back of its head leaving a burned hole.

"Ok what the fuck just happened?" Hee-won asked with twitching eyes, she just saw Queresha shoot a fire arrow.

15 minutes later, in the convenience store's basement, everyone was looking at Haru because he told them he'll talk about it after they reach the store, talking outside would be dangerous since it would leave lower their vigilance towards the surroundings and the noise will also attract other monsters.

"So you're saying that Queresha's ability is to create spells of any element and use them as long as she understands them," Hee-won asked with a surprised look.

"Yes, although it takes time to understand them it is useful since it gives me a variety of spells like healing and attack spells, I still have a lot to learn about it," Queresha nodded and the others were amazed, the skill was too good.

"You can even use a spell made of darkness?" Nam-woon asked with shining eyes, he saw Queresha kill a wolf that attacked from behind with a spike that extended from her shadow.

"Yes I am still learning more so I can't use a lot of them," Queresha nodded.

"You're so cool Noona," Nam-woon said with a big smile and Queresha didn't really share the enthusiasm.

"Hey, Why have you not called me Noona once?" Hee-won asked Nam-woon.

"Can you use the dark element?" Nam-woon asked.


"Yeah thought so," Nam-woon said with a flat look as Hee-won lips twitched.

"Call me Noona you brat," And Nam-woon was put in a headlock once again.

[Some Constellations are incredibly interested in the incarnation 'Queresha Calistria'.]

[700 coins have been sponsored.]

[Many constellations are shaking their heads.]

'Well that is understandable, even though the skill is good, it won't matter if she can't master an element to the utmost, In the eyes of the constellations she is basically a jack of all trades but master of none. Some constellations are intrigued by it since this opens up many different options, but some aren't since it limits one's ability to master a single element, That might've been true if someone else had this skill but this is Resha, Her mastery of magic defies common logic, they'll see it soon enough,' Haru thought while looking at the constellations reactions, He knew that they are drawing in quite a crowd. Even if some might want to sabotage him, there will also be ones who would help them, having a backup is always a better choice.

And the best way to get more constellations on your side was to gather individuals with high potential or create them on your own. The constellations want incarnations that have high potential that they can form contracts with, and Haru was doing just that at this moment. The plan has been in motion from the train and…...

'It should be done in a week,' Haru folded his arms while looking at everyone in his group.


Thoughts and stones, you guys do get a bonus chapter for 650 stones but you never complete the goal.