Outside The Burrow

Dok-ja looked at the long sword on his waist, he got it after he placed the Warden's core and the broken faith inside the treasure box before closing it. Jung-hyuk didn't know of this method so he didn't use it.

[To think I would come across my dark history,] Bi-Hyung's tired voice came into Dok-ja's ears.

[This random item box is your doing?] Dok-ja asked and Bi-Hyung stayed silent not wanting to talk and Dok-ja dropped the subject.

He already thought that something was up given Bi-Hyung stopped the stream, but now he seems to understand a little more.

"Hyung I can't lead the way back," Dok-ja was stuck in his thought after he heard Gil-young, All of the insects in this area died when the warden showed up so now if they decide to go back they'll be lost in the complex tunnel ways.

There was no way back but to wait till some roaches or insects come into this area. But that will take too long and also has a low chance of happening.

"We can go back using this," Seeing everyone was at a loss for what to do, Sang-ah spoke up holding a glowing thread in her hand.

'It is the same thread as that time,' Dok-ja thought as the group was currently walking down the pitch-black tunnel.

"I think it was a good idea to tie a thread outside on our way here," Sang-ah suddenly said seeing that everyone was silent.

"Yes I didn't know you could do that Sang-ah," Dok-ja said since it seems she didn't mind him dropping the honorifics.

"Well I couldn't be of much help during the battle," Sang-ah sounded somewhat disappointed in herself.

"No, I would say you helped a great deal when you used the threads to make the warden stumble, None of us saw that coming," Dok-ja spoke truly, he didn't expect Sang-ah to grow to this degree.

After he downed the warden he saw that Sang-ah picked up a crowbar which was near the warden's legs. It was obvious that she tied her threads on that crowbar which she had dropped near its legs before falling back.

Then with the help of Hyun-sung, she pulled it getting the warden tangled so it loses its balance.

'I know she has a high-level constellation supporting her and all, but I didn't expect she would improve this much in battle during the few days,' Dok-ja remembered how she dealt with the surprise attack outside and how she used what she had to create an opening for him in the last battle.

'If only I could look at her profile, no not just hers,' Dok-ja still couldn't see Sang-ah's profile along with Haru's. But at this instant, he gained a little hope…

[Currently collecting information about the corresponding figure.]

It seems like he can see profiles of the people who are not characters but it will take time. But he totally ok with waiting at least he won't be completely in the dark.

"I learned a lot from Haru-ssi during the time we went to gather food outside," Sang-ah said bringing Dok-ja out of his thoughts.

"Oh I see, It must've been tough," Dok-ja knew that who else but Haru will help her get better. It was just speculation before but now Sang-ah herself admitted to it.

"No, He is really kind and helps others when he gets the chance to, he is also very patient when teaching that is why I was able to be a little helpful" Sang-ah spoke slowly, she was especially thankful to Haru with all he had done for her from the start.

"I think everyone in the group knows that Sang-ah, Don't you think so too Hyun-sung?" Dok-ja asked as he also knew that it was true, But he also came to know how dangerous that kind person is if he becomes an enemy.

'It seems there is still the same distance between us, No maybe it has increased,' Dok-ja shook his head while thinking of what Sang-ah said.

"Yeah, I also agree," Hyun-sung agreed as well, he had seen up close how Haru did things.

"Red-haired Hyung is good he gave me ice-cream," Even Gil-young chimed in, this showed Dok-ja how well-liked Haru was in the group. Hee-won another potential ally also seemed ot get along well with Haru and even the unruly Nam-woon listened to his orders well.

Thinking of this the group arrived outside the burrow in silence and they were greeted by...

"HAH," Hee-won shouted as she swung Haru's katana at him with her full power.

"You aren't cutting anything with that, Come on put more power behind it," Haru used his hand to redirect the blade by hitting it from the side.

"This is my max power," Hee-won spoke while swinging the katana sending a flurry of attacks which were once again deflected like nothing.

"Come on put your back into it," Haru didn't even look a little tired while Hee-won was sweating heavily.

"You're having fun, aren't you?" Hee-won asked as she stopped to catch her breath.

"Absolutely ye- No, why would I be having fun? Don't slander me, You? what type of illusion did you use to make me say that?" Haru pointed at Hee-won and said with a serious expression.

"…I'll kill you," Hee-won shouted as she ran up to Haru and swung the katana.

"That's the spirit, good keep it up," Haru laughed parrying the attacks.

'What the hell is going on?' Dok-ja, Sang-ah, Hyun-sung, Gil-young, and even Myung-oh were lost while looking at the two.

Well, to understand what happened we'll need to go back a little after Dok-ja and the others went into the burrow to save Myung-oh.

"That was the last one," Queresha spoke while killing a ground rat with a wind blade.

"Phew* this was easy," Hee-won said while putting the katana back into its sheath. Haru gave it to her before the fight, she knew that Haru didn't really need it and took it without saying anything.

"Too easy," Nam-woon sounded bored, he has had enough of the ground rats and wanted to go for new monsters but there weren't any.

"Stop complaining you only got 4 that is lower than me," Hee-won sighed looking at Nam-woon, she knew that the kid was strong but the only reason they could come out of this safely was because of Haru who killed fifteen rats by himself without a weapon no less.

Queresha was second with 8, she only killed them with magic from behind and didn't step forward. Then Hee-won with 6, she knew the katana was a good weapon for her but it wasn't hers.

Hee-won saw Haru looking at the burrow and spoke up.

"You sent those four in there for a reason right?" Hee-won asked.

[Several Constellations are perking their ears up.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is waiting for your answer.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

"You got me," Haru smiled rubbing the back of his head.

"I told you before right? I have my eyes on you," Hee-won said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"You are scaring me there Hee-won," Haru backed away with a scared look.

"Come on stop trying to avoid the topic, You want to test that Dok-ja guy, right?" Hee-won thought that Haru was trying not to answer the question.

"Why does your mind only goes that way?" Haru was genuinely curious now.

"Was it not?" Hee-won thought she was correct this time but guess not.

"No, it was for Hyun-sung," Haru said while sighing.

"Why would you want to test Hyun-sun- Ok I'll stop," Hee-won stopped looking at Haru's blank look.

"Well it was mainly for Hyun-sung, you should've noticed that he has been staying more silent during the talks, it is like he is losing confidence in himself, So if they save Myung-oh it might get him to regain a little confidence," Haru has seen how Hyun-sung had become quieter as days passed by.

Even though strength wise he is on par with Nam-woon and Hee-won in some aspects he is even stronger than the two. But he seems to be low on self-confidence.

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is touched seeing you worry about your comrade.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is smiling.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

"Damn, I feel bad for trying to make you seem like a mastermind," Hee-won spoke while scratching her face.

"You should, now go in the corner and repent," Haru said with a serious look.

"Come on stop joking, though I am curious what do you think everyone else needs, Let's start with Nam-woon over there," Hee-won thought it might be a good time to see what Haru thought of everyone.