What Do You Need?

"Come on stop joking, though I am curious about what you think everyone else needs, Let's start with Nam-woon over there," Hee-won thought it might be a good time to see what Haru thought of everyone.

"I don't need anything but a strong foe that can become my stepping stone," Nam-woon said with a scoff, ridiculous of them to think he was lacking in something.

"He needs some humility," Haru said much to Nam-woon's shock.


"Yeah, I can see that," Hee-won agreed.

"Noona you don't agree with that right?" Nam-woon looked at Queresha.

"It doesn't matter if you are the most humble person to ever be born, If Haru says you need more humility you need more humility, So be more humble," Queresha said confusing Nam-woon to his core.

'I don't understand anything, what happened?' Nam-woon's lips twitched.

"He is the total opposite of Sang-ah who needs to be a little less humble," Hee-won laughed and Haru did agree with her on that.

"What does Gil-young need to do?" Hee-won asked.

"He needs to stop asking for my favorite ice cream," Haru had the most serious look on his face he had ever made.

"Just when I thought you were doing well as a leader," Hee-won sighed in exasperation.

"You aren't going to ask what you need to improve on?" Haru asked ignoring her earlier comment.

"Do I need to?" Hee-won flicked her hair with a smug look, of course, she was only joking.

"Yes you do, You need to go repent in the corner for trying to frame me as a schemer," Haru said.

"Come on I was just joking, anyone can see how good of a leader you are for keeping an eye on everyone," Hee-won offered lip service as Haru shook his head.

"What do you make of Dok-ja?" Hee-won asked after a little silence. She wanted to know if Haru had any suspicions about Dok-ja. They weren't close but Dok-ja was in the group before her which is why she wanted to know a little more about Dok-ja from Haru.

"I trust him as a teammate, You know we completed the first scenario together so there is no reason to doubt him," Haru said.

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is looking at you with shining eyes.]

[The constellation 'Secretive plotter' is smiling widely at your words.]

[300 coins have been sponsored.]

"I see," Hee-won nodded and didn't ask any further.

"Anyway Hee-won I want to ask you something," Haru spoke making Hee-won pout a little.

"I know I am giving back your katana," Hee-won grumbled.

"It wasn't about that, What I wanted to know was, Do you like using the katana?" Haru asked.

"Yeah, even though it was the first time I used a real blade, it felt quite comfortable, Anyway it is not like you are going to give it to me," Hee-won herself couldn't put a finger on it but when she held the katana she felt like she had been using it her whole life.

"You can have it if you want," Haru said and Hee-won didn't know how to react. She didn't think Haru would give the katana to her just like that.

"For real?" Hee-won asked and Haru nodded. Seeing that it was true Hee-won immediately kneeled on one knee in front of Haru.

"What are you doing?" Haru asked a bit perplexed.

"Isn't this how you receive a sword," Hee-won looked at Haru.

"What are you? A knight?" Haru asked.

"That doesn't sound so bad," Hee-won smiled before continuing.

"I, Jung Hee-won swear on this blade that I shall protect your majesty till my last breath," Hee-won said seriously while bowing down.

"Yeah Yeah just have it," Haru spoke with a sigh, he could see that she was trying to tease him like this. She ended up making him remember something that wasn't appropriate for the situation.

"Your wish is my command," Hee-won smiled as she stood up. She noticed that Haru seemed a bit embarrassed which meant her teasing got to him.

She got a weapon now which would help her protect everyone. Hee-won then seemed to have noticed a similar stare and saw Queresha looking at her.

'Is it just me or….she seems pleased?' Hee-won couldn't understand it, so she just shrugged it off as Queresha didn't seem to mind it.

"But, are you sure giving this to me?" Hee-won asked once again.

"I don't particularly use it, And it seemed to suit you well, Also I don't think you are giving it back to me even if I ask for it," Haru smiled while looking at Hee-won who was hiding the katana behind her in fear of him taking it back.

"Don't even try," Hee-won said.

But what Haru said was true Hee-won hasn't seen him use the katana, not even once. she knew that he used it on the night he went out alone, but she haven't seen him use it aside from when he pointed it at Cheol-soo's neck. So in a sense, the katana wasn't of any use to him right now.

"Why are you sighing so badly Your Majesty?" Hee-won asked since Haru seemed a little stressed.

"We also haven't found a way to cook the monster meat," Haru was dejected.

"Your majesty if you want I can taste it on your behalf," Hee-won spoke respectfully.

"Really?" Haru perked up.

"Yes, but then my death will be on you," Hee-won spoke in a flat tone.

"What type of knight complains like this?" Haru's eye's twitched.

"Me," Hee-won smirked while raising her hand.

"Leaving that aside, This is how you hold it when it is sheathed," Haru moved Hee-won's fingers near the end of the sheath and placed her thumb on the guard.

"Hmm is there a reason for this?" Hee-won asked curiously.

"If you don't keep a thumb on the guard, the katana will slip out if you are running or tilt it forward, If that happens there is a high chance that you'll try to grab it with your hand on reflex, I don't I need to tell you what will happen if you do so," Haru stopped since it looked Hee-won understood.

"I regret asking that now," Hee-won hide her right hand behind her back, thinking there was a possibility of her losing her fingers if she didn't know this.

"Do you want to learn more?" Haru asked as Hee-won seemed interested.

"Is there even a need to answer that? Yes teach me sensei," Hee-won asked still trying to joke so that she can forget what she heard before, She'll remember the part where she needs to keep her thumb on the guard; she'll forget everything after that or try to.

And that is how we arrived at the current situation.

'My head hurts,' Dok-ja seemed to not understand why this group had become like this, Haru was just outrageous. Imagine telling someone to swing a weapon at you while you have no weapons.

But even then…

'Haru-ssi is able to easily subdue someone as strong as Hee-won with only bare hands even if she has a blade and he has nothing,' Dok-ja didn't forget to take in the new information he got from watching whatever Haru and Hee-won were doing.

"Ah, I am tired," Hee-won was exhausted as no matter how many times she tried to hit Haru it didn't work, at first she was a bit apprehensive about doing it since Haru had no weapon.

It didn't matter if Haru was strong or not, pointing a blade at her own teammate was a bit too much for Hee-won. But seeing how easily Haru brushed her attacks off, it made her realize the difference between strength and technique. That was the only reason she went all out.

'It had nothing to him riling me up with taunts,' Hee-won thought.

"Tch," Nam-woon clicked his tongue as he gave 1000 coins to Queresha.

"Easiest 100 coins I have made till now," Hearing Queresha Nam-woon's eyes twitched, he made a wager with Queresha while Haru and hee-won doing their thing.

He said that if Hee-won could land an attack on Haru she'll need to teach him some cool magic spells. But if it didn't then he'll give her 1000 coins.

But Queresha said…

'If she can as much a graze Haru's clothes or hair, I'll teach you all the spells I know,' Queresha didn't touch on what happens if Nam-woon loses the bet so it stayed at 1000 coins.

"It looks like you all made it in time," Haru saw that Myung-oh was alive and looked over at the people who went to get him. They all seemed to be alright with no injuries.

"Yeah, we were truly lucky," Dok-ja spoke as he saw that Haru didn't even look a little tired while Hee-won was leaning on the wall covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

"Did something unexpected happen?"