

[The Incarnation 'Gong Pil-du' has activated the stigma 'Militarized Zone Lv.3']

Four turrets materialized all around Haru, aiming at him and ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

"To me, you are no different from those fools, because if you were, you would know better than to step on someone else's land so brazenly," Pil-du said, looking at Haru.

[Several Constellations are shaking their head at your impulsive behavior.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is eagerly waiting.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is chuckling.]

[300 coins have been sponsored.]

"What gives you the impression that you are standing on your own property?" Haru asked, perplexing Pil-du before…

"What on earth is going on?" Pil-du looked around and realized that he was outside of the range of his stigma.

[The stigma 'Militarized zone Lv. 3' has been deactivated.]

The statement was like a bolt of lightning to everyone in the Landlord Coalition, leaving them completely stunned.

"What's going on, Mr. Gong? You seem to be out of your comfort zone," Haru's voice came from behind Pil-du, causing him to jump in fright as he turned around.

"Y-You ba-"

"Now now, that isn't a polite way to talk to people you don't know," Haru looked at Pil-du with a seemingly harmless smile.

'That is somehow the most beautiful yet terrifying smile I have seen yet,' Dok-ja couldn't help but feel dread at the sight of that smile. He didn't want to be on the receiving end of it.

"You bastard,"

"What do you think you're doing?"

Pil-du's group members tried to intervene, but they were met with Haru's group, who were also armed surrounding Haru and Pil-du in the middle.

"Stop it all of you, What do you want?" Pil-du sighed as he looked at Haru. his current condition didnt look good.

"I just wanted to meet you," Haru said.

"If that's all you wanted, why cause such a commotion?" Pil-du asked, frowning in annoyance.

"Would you have met me if I had asked normally?" Haru raised an eyebrow.

"Fair enough, So what is it?" Pil-du nodded and got to the heart of the matter.

"Our group will be using the toilets and the water dispenser," Haru stated his request.

"And you expect me to allow that without any compensation? That's exactly why I hate tenants like you," Pil-du frowned, showing his discontent.

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. But I do understand your point about receiving some compensation," Haru nodded in understanding.

"Oh, what are you offering me?" Pil-du's face was devoid of emotion as he looked up at Haru, unable to believe how arrogant Haru was. But he was currently in a vulnerable position and had to take that attitude whether he liked it or not.

"Ummmm, How about I let you keep your head on your shoulders?" Haru looked Pil-du directly in the eye as he patted his shoulders.

'What happened to you, Haru-ssi?' Dok-ja knew that Haru was only joking around, as it wouldn't be good to come off as a pushover to people like Pil-du. However, even he, who knew Haru's true nature, was a little scared by his words.

"Oh! Are we having a fight?" Suddenly a voice came from the toilets, attracting everyone's attention.

'What the hell? I don't even know what's real or not anymore,' Dok-ja's face twitched as he saw Hee-won coming out of the toilet, followed by the others.

"How are there two…?" Gong Pil-du looked at the individuals surrounding him and the ones who had just emerged from the toilet.

Aside from Dok-ja and Nam-woon, the others seemed to have vanished into thin air as if they had never been there in the first place.

"Thank you, Hyung," Gil-young said to Haru, grateful for his intervention.

"No problem, kid," Haru replied nonchalantly.

"Well, are we fighting or not?" Hee-won had already unsheathed her katana, while Hyun-sung stood with his shield looking around, as they faced the landlord coalition, who had their weapons pointed toward them.

"No, we've reached an agreement, right?" Haru asked Pil-du.

"That we have," Pil-du said, acknowledging that he had no other choice at present.

"I see," Hee-won sheathed her katana with a sour expression, Hyun-sung also relaxed slightly, relieved that they wouldn't have to fight. The group began to make their way toward Haru, but the Landlord Coalition remained on edge, still pointing their weapons at them.

"Why are you all pointing your weapons at empty space?" Pil-du's cronies were shocked as they looked back to see Jin-ah looking at them with a puzzled expression.

'When did they get past us?' That was their thought at the moment.

"Jin-ah, don't waste your time on those drunks," Alea sighed, pulling Jin-ah towards Haru and the rest of the group.

'So my stigma being deactivated wasn't an illusion. This one is tricky – he's different from the psycho, and those two girls seem to have joined him as well, This isn't looking good for me,' Gong Pil-du thought to himself as he retreated to his own safe room, keeping an eye on Haru, Jin-ah, and Alea.

"I wouldn't recommend it," Pil-du looked up at Haru who smiled while speaking.

"This is the problem with greenhorns, they get ahead of themselves over a little success making bigger mistakes," Pil-du said as he smiled.

['Gong Pil-du' has used his Stigma 'Militarized Zone lv. 4']

[Gong Pil-du's mini turrets are being loaded with enhanced magic bullets.]


Pil-du fired a bullet straight at Haru seeing that the latter had undone the illusion.

But he soon saw a fist in front of his face.

"It doesn't matter if one is a greenhorn or a veteran; everyone makes mistakes when they get too comfortable in their own bubble," Haru said as he threw the bullet he caught in the air right in front of Pil-du.

"You… Is the illusion still going on?" Pil-du gritted his teeth since the bullet he fired didn't go toward Haru but rather towards his own head. If Haru hadn't stopped it…

'I would be dead,' The bullet would've hit right on the temple killing him instantly, and the reason for that would be he himself.

"Why don't you try to figure it out? A little hint, you haven't left even left your safe zone once," Haru's words were making people more and more fearful of him.

'Wait so that means, Pil-du's stigma was never deactivated?' Dok-ja's eyes widened a little and it seemed Pil-du also understood it, the sweat on his forehead dropped down as he glared at Haru showing his frustration.

"I stopped it this time because I made a little commotion here so that the kid can go to the toilet fast, it won't happen again," Haru turned around and walked towards his group, they were all ready to fight for real if it came down to it. But it seemed like that wasn't going to happen.

[Several Constellations are shocked at what had happened.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of The Golden Headband' is saying his stomach hurts from laughing too much.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child of The Sun' is smiling smugly,]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is shaking his head in worry.]

[The Constellation 'Desserts For Days' is feeling lonely and wants someone to share his desserts with.]

[1,200 Coins have been sponsored.]

Haru just deadpanned while looking at the last comment.

'If you have too much give it to me,' Haru cursed in his mind.

Jung-hyeok who was standing a bit further away from the crowd was looking at Haru and the others.

"Master, that ability is too much of a cheat right, I don't even understand if it what he did was real or not," Ji-hye was shocked while looking at the scene, after leaving Haru's group to their own device she even to Jung-hyeok and told him about the new people.

And he immediately came down to search for them, that is how they ended up watching them from beyond the crowd.

'He has gotten stronger but he is still uselessly naïve about his actions,' But this played in Jung-hyeok's favor since he didn't need to step in to stop the fight, he needed Pil-du for the upcoming scenarios, so if he were to die it would mess up his plans.

Jung-hyeok was fully ready to step in if needed, he usually wouldn't have done that but things have gotten way off course because of a few people.

"He didn't use his ability to catch the bullet," Jung-hyeok said flatly making Ji-hye blink in confusion. If Haru didn't use the illusion to make appear that he caught the bullet, but he actually caught it with his hand. Then that meant…

'His physical stats are no joke, Who is that guy? Both unnies and Master are paying attention to him,' Ji-hye thought as she saw Haru walk in their direction.


50 powerstones to go,